Eurocave Humidor for Sale
Paid $4800 in 2006, hoping to get $2500. Make me an offer. This is located in the Washington, DC metro area. I'd prefer a local pickup to avoid shipping such a large piece.
Paid $4800 in 2006, hoping to get $2500. Make me an offer. This is located in the Washington, DC metro area. I'd prefer a local pickup to avoid shipping such a large piece.
Due to the original investment which a $350 shipping charge put it well over $5,000 we won't be able to pay for shipping. I know $2500 is a good deal for something that works perfectly.
How can I have a rep to begin with when all I did was offer a high-end humidor at half price to a large group of cigar smokers?
If you can't afford it you shouldn't even be commenting on the post. Are you just here to make snarky comments?
I am brokering this sale for a family member. I'm not discriminating against California, I just don't want to arrange for shipping (as I have previously stated).
I'm not sure why you need the mean tone to your note.
Alright I'm weighing in on this ! First of all if all you are trying to do is move a highend humidor at half price why should you care what someone else posts . If its such a good deal AND legit then someone will take it off your hands after inspecting it I'm sure . Why are you so bent outta shape over Joe's comments . He is just trying to protect friends here on the forum and has been here quite awhile and is very respected - so if your offer is legit you dont need to worry now do you ?
We consider this our forum and we will damn well try to protect each other from any scams or any harm of any type because thats what we do . If you want to peddle your wares here then you will need to grow a thick skin and deal with it !!!
Imagine the amount of your market you are already eliminating just by saying you are not willing to ship it.
Also if you are going to put yourself out on a cigar forum(s) with no history and no credibility be ready for some pushback. This will be highly scrutinized and by many people not even willing to buy it. Sorry you joined the internets. Be willing to deal with what happens when you show up.
I think there are plenty of people in the DC metro area with the funds to purchase this item. You should check out the standard of living here. If someone cannot pick it up, they can make all of the arrangements for shipping. I'm not sure why everyone wants to chime in when they have no interest in purchasing it themselves. I guess I came to the right place for "gang up on the lady".
Apologize for what exactly? True, a few nice people said nice things, but a few (like you) are just here to make snarky comments. It's just a humidor for god's sake. I can take my business elsewhere. I don't need to sell it that bad to take this type of abuse from people who don't even know me. What's it to you anyway?
I would expect a simple minded response regarding the standard of living in DC from someone so young. You don't have a firm grasp of economics. Your comments are silly.
Gentlemen? Not predominately. What is a PM?
I have been defending myself against a bunch of jerks who have nothing better to do apparently.
All I wanted to do was get a decent offer on my humidor but some of you had to be really mean. So easy to hide behind your computer and say whatever you want.
Does that make you feel better to pick on people?
*Thread Jack*
Maybe some of this could have been avoided with a PM explaining how we do things around here? No disrespect intended Silvermarigold. We usually introduce ourselves in the General Discussion before we start selling. I understand your just trying to sell something and not trying to build a relationship with anyone in the forum. But, so you can have a little understanding where the BOTL's here are coming from. There is a lot scammers and you never no because this is your first post. Which is a sell of something high end. That's why we introduce ourselves before selling stuff. I hate for you to get a bad impression of our site. But, it's just like anything else you get involved in. We have rules, apologizes.
As for the Thread Jack.
Skweekz you S.O.G. I live in Maryland and I'm in the military. Thank you for helping pay my check. But, as some know. I'm also a business owner. That's your butt if that DC you put up is for me....
Thread Jacking over,