CAO - Last Stick Standing event

Went to an event on Friday. CAO Last Stick Standing. They gave you 3 cigars (C, A, O) without any background. The idea was to smoke all three (not in one sitting), rate them and then go online and post your ratings. 40 B&Ms, 50 participants each, and the overall winner would go into production. So, to make a long story short, none of them rated above 8.5.
I'vee been impressed with the construction, draw, ash, etc. with all of the CAOs I've had, but I think they miss the mark on flavor. JMO.
I'vee been impressed with the construction, draw, ash, etc. with all of the CAOs I've had, but I think they miss the mark on flavor. JMO.
Instead, they think that people will travel 100 miles to one of these events, which with the economy the way it is, isn't gonna happen.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
That being said, is one of the big names going to show up in a small town, probably not (aside from RP he'll show up anywhere) but the reps throw a good party themselves.