new humidor

Hey guys I picked up a small 20 count humidor from my local B&M to hold me over till I find a good medium size humidor. I am currently seasoning it, I took about 2 ozs of water in a small cup and placed it inside. It is distilled water. I couldnt find propylene glycol at any of my stores in town. Now I bought a little tube with the gel crystals that is supposed to keep my humidor at 70%. Should i add these into the empty humidor while its seasoning? Also the cup has been in there for around 12 hours and only a little has been absorbed. I need this to be ready by tomorrow cause thats when I get my cigars, and that pre embargo special from yesterday.
You are still going to want to wait until the humidor is seasoned before you put the sticks in it. You might have a chance of having it seasoned tomorrow if you don't open the lid to see where it is at until you get the sticks in the mail. The tuperdor is still probably going to be your best option for the first few days.
Yes it speeds up the process but don't wipe with to much water use as little as possible you don't want it to warp.
Can you get some spanish cedar for it in the next coupla days? Maybe some boxes from your local B&M, sometimes they sell them pretty cheap. I've never set one up without the cedar so I can't say what the results will be. I would definitly introduce the spanish cedar into it at some point as soon as possible IMHO...
Oh, and new,
If you catch this disease like the rest of us, you'll kick yourself for buying that 20 stick box. I started 3 months ago. My first box was a 120 cap, because I wanted something I could slowly grow into. A month or so later, I added a 200 stick box and a tupperdor. Yesterday, I started to season a new 100 stick glass top. But maybe you'll have more self control than I.