Anybody else a vegetarian?

Hey all,
I recently made the decision to become a vegetarian and was just wondering if there are any other vegetarians or vegans around. If you don't mind sharing how did you make the transition?
I recently made the decision to become a vegetarian and was just wondering if there are any other vegetarians or vegans around. If you don't mind sharing how did you make the transition?
I used to enjoy a steak and what not. Lately I haven't been eating meat just because I haven't had the desire too but then I watched a movie last week that pushed me over the edge so to speak.
I completly agree that everyone has their own tastes.
however, because my wife and I keep kosher, we end up eating vegetarian on a regular basis. our freezer has a plethora of Morning Star Farms products in it. we also go out to eat at many places that have a wide vegetarian selection.
our favorite section in the grocery store is the produce section.
The meat that is available now is nothing like the meat we grew up on or our parents ate. It is filled with growth hormones, steroids and anti-biotics. Animals are on medicine to keep them from dying because the feed we give them also gives them disease. So do their living environments, etc., etc. I don't feel sorry for them or believe they are poor, tortured souls, it's just gross and toxic. Fish is also toxic and they are being rapidly depleted from our oceans. In Maine it is recommended to only eat one fish a month. One! That's terrible.
Making the switch for me was as easy as learning the true state of animal products and over-fishing. I don't miss meat at all, and my favorite vegetable used to be hamburg! It's a personal decision but really being a vegetarian is not that hard and getting sufficient protein is way easier than people make it out to be. I'm a very physical guy and not eating meat doesn't hold me back at all. In fact, as soon as I stopped eating meat the first thing I noticed was how much more energy I had. There are tons of great cook books out there for veggie fare. Good luck.
Also- be aware of GM (genetically modified) foods. This is especially important as a vegetarian because a lot of meat substitutes are soy based and soy is America's #1 GM product.
there really are some very good veggie cook books out there. I have a few things that i make all the time. it also doesnt hurt that there is a vegan restaurant just down the street from me.
all i have to say is :
mmmm grilled watermelon ....
Dang it, now I want to go to Chipotle for a burrito.
I'm finding cutting out dairy is difficult. Meat and eggs were pretty easy because I never ate that much in the first place.
For those who cook vegetarian what are some of your favorite recipies? I experimented a little and made a killer spaghetti pizza.
Jihiggs: I knew about soy and the estrigen so I'm staying away from that. Since I started eating vegetarian I feel a lot better than I used too.
1/2 onion diced
2-3 garlic clove diced
1 C Grits
1.5 C boiling water
1/2 C cheese of your choice
1 Egg, slightly beaten
1 can Black eyed peas, rinsed and drained
1 can diced tomatoes, drained
1 can corn (drained)
1. Heat oven to 350. Grease square pan 8x8ish.
2. Saute onion and garilic.
3. Empty grits into square pan; stir in boiling water; stir in cheese and egg; continue stirring until cheese is melted; stir in saute, beans, toms,corn.
4. Bake uncovered 35 to 40 minutes or until firm. yummy
It wasn't too difficult for me and I'm glad I did it because now I know that if I need to change my diet for medical reasons, I know that I can.
When I was a vegetarian, I always just cut up a shitton of vegetables into a bowl and put some dressing on em. It never got old!
thats my favorite snack.
when i get home (if i remember) ill post a great veggie pasta dish that i like during passover. it works well all year round though.
im gettin hungry just thinkin about it.
"Long ashes my friends."
PURO YOU PERVERT !!! Where ya been lately man ...hadn't seen ya around much ...
Moving is a biatchh in and of itself I hate doing that haha. But now I just call a moving company for the big stuff , furniture , etc. that takes some of the sting outta it cause when you get my age buddy you accumulate a lotta chit !!!
Man that blows ...
I found a sorbet recipie that looks good.
1 cup sugar
1 1/4 cups water
4 cups whole strawberries, rinsed and hulled
2 Tbsp. orange juice
In a small saucepan, combine the sugar and the water and bring to a boil over medium heat, whisking constantly.
Reduce the heat and simmer for 2 to 3 minutes, or until reduced by one-fourth. Remove from the heat and cool.
In a blender, combine the strawberries and the orange juice until smooth. Press through a fine sieve.
In a large bowl, combine with the sugar mixture. Cover and freeze until set.
Whisk until smooth, freeze for an additional hour, and whisk again. Repeat twice.
Serve when creamy.
I might try to make this over the weekend.