Pipe Tobacco storage
My first Pipe post! yay
so back in November Wes sent me a small pipe and a bunch of tobacco to try... ochozacho also sent me some Holiday blend and house blend from his local spot (both were AMAZING BTW)... I fired the pipe up about 15 times or so, but haven't messed with it since early January... I left all the tobacco in the original ziplocks and put them all in on tupperware... I never thought to humidify it or anything... is this stuff toast or can it be salvaged? As for the aromatic stuff, do you need to store them apparently or an I just leave then in their individual zip locks like I have? Thanks!
so back in November Wes sent me a small pipe and a bunch of tobacco to try... ochozacho also sent me some Holiday blend and house blend from his local spot (both were AMAZING BTW)... I fired the pipe up about 15 times or so, but haven't messed with it since early January... I left all the tobacco in the original ziplocks and put them all in on tupperware... I never thought to humidify it or anything... is this stuff toast or can it be salvaged? As for the aromatic stuff, do you need to store them apparently or an I just leave then in their individual zip locks like I have? Thanks!

Just wondering if there's an ideal place to store your tobacco once it's been transferred into mason jars. I've seen a few guys referring to their "pipe cellars". This lead me to believe a cool, damp place is best for storing. Is that the case?
I was planning to build some sort of shelf in my study (which gets a lot of sun) to store the jars. Will the light harm the tobacco?
I keep my jars in a chest and on shelves on a fold-out bar. A little light isn't a proble., but I wouldn't want them to sit in the sun all day everyday.