My poor poor cigar.

I was sitting outside last night smoking a God of Fire. I was minding my own business listening to music on my headphones and not bothering anyone. (enter drunk a$$ soldier) Said soldier crashes into my hand that was holding the GOF and resting on a brick wall, destroying my god of fire.
I am a very calm and fair NCO, but i had to hold myself back and kept repeating in my head "its not worth losing rank, its not worth losing rank" because that soldier was very very close to having copious amounts of blood leave his face.
I am a very calm and fair NCO, but i had to hold myself back and kept repeating in my head "its not worth losing rank, its not worth losing rank" because that soldier was very very close to having copious amounts of blood leave his face.
Artist's representation of what that soldier narrowly avoided.
That is a very very accurate rendtition. Like i said i am a very calm person, but only because i get tired of buying new clothes.
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
Okay so not the same but...
smoke, smoked, - a common used word or phrase in the military, to be forced to do physical training exercises until you are so tired and sweating so much that steam rises off the top of your head, usually because of something wrong or stupid you did.
I can only dream of smoking such a cigar and to have one ruined..........
way to take the high road brother.
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *