Nub Dub

I haven't started a thread in a while, so I figured I'd start one about a CIGAR :-)
Never had the Nub Dub but damn you mtucelli I can't get Nub Dub Nub Dub out of my head. Anyone have a review? What would you compare it to? I've only had one Nub ever - Nub Maduro - and I thought it was pretty good but didn't knock my socks off. Decent maduro but nothing to write home about, kinda along the line of a Black Pearl or something. Thoughts on the Nub Dub?
Never had the Nub Dub but damn you mtucelli I can't get Nub Dub Nub Dub out of my head. Anyone have a review? What would you compare it to? I've only had one Nub ever - Nub Maduro - and I thought it was pretty good but didn't knock my socks off. Decent maduro but nothing to write home about, kinda along the line of a Black Pearl or something. Thoughts on the Nub Dub?
Please do not respond to this thread unless you are going to talk about how much they sucked. Much obliged.
Someone posted somewhere on here that they were limited releases, that's all I know (and why I put in the "??"s). If anyone can confirm/deny, please do. I too had them on my list to try. I can't find them listed on the website at all.
Nub Dub...Nub Dub...Nub Dub...Nub Dub...Nub Dub...Ahhhhh
"Any cigar smoker is friend, because I know how he feels." Alfred de Musset
"A fine cigar is just like a woman. If you don't light it up just right and suck on it with a certain frequency, it will go out on you." Unknown
“A pipe is to the troubled soul what caresses of a mother are for her suffering child.” Indian Proverb
It was my favorite nub out of the line.
And yes, the last email I got from Tim had them listed in a sampler. Maybe they are just out of 5 packs or something? I have no idea? call them?
"Any cigar smoker is friend, because I know how he feels." Alfred de Musset
"A fine cigar is just like a woman. If you don't light it up just right and suck on it with a certain frequency, it will go out on you." Unknown
“A pipe is to the troubled soul what caresses of a mother are for her suffering child.” Indian Proverb
Anyway, I did finally get to try a Nub Dub thanks to the very gracious Trident a couple of weeks ago, so I wanted to say thanks again to an awesome BOTL. I don't really do reviews, and with the cigar not very fresh in my memory, I'm not sure I could do one, but I at least wanted to share my thoughts:
I made the mistake of messing around in the garage and yard after I lit this up, so I didn't pay it enough attention at first, even knocked it off of the ashtray onto the table and had to eventually touch it up some. It started out with a typical nice maduro sweet/cocoa/coffee flavor, but nothing to really write home about. I was actually thinking about putting it down after a little while, then I thought: "Heavy, you dumbass, this isn't the last couple inches of a toro. This is a Nub! You're just now getting to the good part, so sit down, relax, pay attention and enjoy!" So I did, and I'm damn glad I did.
The flavor stayed with the same typical maduro sweet/cocoa/coffee flavor, but it started becoming much richer and more complex. Kinda remided me of a LGC R maduro at this point. Next few puffs I started picking up some underlying subtle spice which reminded me of a Diesel that had had most of the signature in-your-face AJ spice aged out of it - sweet, meaty with a nice little spice in the background to round things out. Next few puffs I picked up on an awesome sweetness that I can only describe as 'cinnamon-y' which was awesome and reminded me a little of the flavors I get from a Cusano Paired Maduro (and that is absolutely a complement from me because I love that stick). Eventualy picked up what I could only describe as dark chocolate, or mabye "bitter chocolate" as I've seen others describe it which was absolutely wonderful. Anyway, this stick was incredibly dynamic and I'm glad I got the chance to try one and even more glad I stuck with it! Only knock from me would be the ring guage - I don't really dig this large of a ring gauge but I could live with it because it tastes so damn good.
It sucks that they don't make these anymore, but I'm not completely heartbroken because a lot of the flavors I picked up did remind me of several other stick I enjoy.
Anyway, thanks again Trident for letting me try this extinct beauty!