Camacho Liberty???

Hey all, I have a question about the Camacho Liberties. I've never had one and noticed that my B&M just put out some 2006's. Was this a particularly good year? Was a particular year's Liberty exceptionally better than others? Any that really weren't very good? Do they age well? Basically, I need a history lesson on the smokability of the Liberties. I'm not sure if there is someone here with extensive knowledge on this line, but I thought I'd check. Thanks!
LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
The 2007 was REALLY good.
The 2010 is probably my favorite.
They age well, but I've seen a few get moldy if left in their coffins (different BoTL and different sources).
I never store cigars in tubos or coffins, so I haven't run across that.
I guess like with anything else, it depends on what you like, and what price it's available for.
That being said, None of the Liberty's that I've had were BAD.
There are guys out there that are absolutely nuts about their Liberty's and almost get into fist fights about which year is "the best".