Newbs take on Perdomo Habano Maduro

After my first experience with Perdomo (slow aged 826) which I hated, Lee McGlynn was kind enough to send me a couple of Perdomo sticks which he enjoys. Among them was a Habano Maduro

My first indication that this would be a far better experience was the look and feel of the cigar. A great looking band and excellent construction with no soft spots or flaws that I could detect.
A quick pre-light lick revealed little, but a slight sweetness. The aroma was one of hay. After a quick toasting, my first few draws let me know that I was going to enjoy this stick.
The first third revealed a slight harshness and a great spicy / pepper flavor. I noticed that around the middle of the smoke that it became much smoother with a creaminess that was unexpected given the pepper that was evident just prior.
The pepper returned for a brief visit in the final third, before mellowing back out once again. I smoked it to the nub.
I thoroughly enjoyed this Perdomo, and give many thanks to Lee for strongly suggesting I give Perdomo another go.

My first indication that this would be a far better experience was the look and feel of the cigar. A great looking band and excellent construction with no soft spots or flaws that I could detect.
A quick pre-light lick revealed little, but a slight sweetness. The aroma was one of hay. After a quick toasting, my first few draws let me know that I was going to enjoy this stick.
The first third revealed a slight harshness and a great spicy / pepper flavor. I noticed that around the middle of the smoke that it became much smoother with a creaminess that was unexpected given the pepper that was evident just prior.
The pepper returned for a brief visit in the final third, before mellowing back out once again. I smoked it to the nub.
I thoroughly enjoyed this Perdomo, and give many thanks to Lee for strongly suggesting I give Perdomo another go.
Nick Perdomo puts a lot of effort and sacrifice into keeping his cigars affordably priced. They are a nice go-to when I'm at a B&M and don't have a lot of cash to spend.