Apple Apology ... another one
I don't know if it's a bad thing or a good thing they apologize so much. On one hand I do like it because it shows they respond to angry customers but on the other hand it means they keep trying to put out stuff that they shouldn't or they know aren't great but hope people don't complain too much. I mean I know nothing is perfect, everything has problems however they do prop themselves up as the best thing out there. IMO siri, their maps, and even their OS isn't ground breaking. They haven't really made anything their own, it's usually a copy of something else.
I don't know if it's a bad thing or a good thing they apologize so much. On one hand I do like it because it shows they respond to angry customers but on the other hand it means they keep trying to put out stuff that they shouldn't or they know aren't great but hope people don't complain too much. I mean I know nothing is perfect, everything has problems however they do prop themselves up as the best thing out there. IMO siri, their maps, and even their OS isn't ground breaking. They haven't really made anything their own, it's usually a copy of something else.
I know you don't like Apple, Phobic. You tend to post all of their bad news. However, I don't see you posting all the other systems' highlights. We know you love Mr. Softie and Google-eyes. Here's a bit of trivia for you. Bill Gates runs his Windows Operating System on Macs. JMO.
And thats what it comes down to. Sorry guys because this might rub people the wrong way. Apples are for woman first. Its so tough to eff anything up and they are spoon fed what they need. Here is your dock.... Here is Safari and Mail.... Here is the App Store (LOL I just type App Store in lower case and it corrects it to Caps A&S LOL)... Here is where you download Music and games.... That is 80% of the users I come across. Here is a kicker.... iWork is like $50 bucks.... MS Office for Mac is $150 bucks.... Every time an Apple is sold.... so is MS Office.