Did a "fav' cigar ever break your heart on a second smoke?

It did for me. When I was first getting into this stinkin' hobby, I 'suffered' through several cigars from my sampler until by change I chose a Joya De Nicaragua Antono. It totally rocked my world. Strong, complex, spicy, heavy--it was made me realize my preference for full strength cigars. Since then, I've tried about 20 other cigars and whlie some came close to the Antono, none knocked it out of first.
So, when I lit up the Antono Grand Consul I got from the Cigar.com custom sampler, I was all ready to fall in love again.
And I don't know what happened. The magic was gone. The thing had a lousy draw and when the smoke finally came through it wasn't anywhere near the nivana type experience I had with my first.
I'm totally disappointed. I was all ready to splurge on a bunch of these, but now I'm not so sure. I've got one more to try. If it's anything like #2, there's no more Joya for me in this cig.
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"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain