DC area herf

Gentleman and Ladies, I am going to be in the DC area for a conference from nov 9th until Nov 14th. Was wondering if anyone would like o set up a herf, or give me any suggestions for a place to go. Thanks!
I've got it!! I can say it's Fire Fighter training on the dangers of smoke-filled and volatile environments!
PM incoming Sir...
No message yet, Rick.
Roman, just messing with you man. I know that everyone here is a stand-up BoTL who put in long hours at what they do. Job first, then we play.
You were right the first time...But like you said, we will definitely play after work. I would love for this to happen on Saturday the 10th to maximize the BORKs and SORKS what are coming out. But, like you said, depends on my work schedule. I am going to try to get it all set up this week. I'm looking at around dinner time somehow, so need suggestions for a lounge that is open then.
RCY sent me a PM, maybe that what he was referring to?
I will know more tomorrow, but as of right now lets plan it for saturday evening the 10th. Is there a lounge that serves drinks and allows you to smoke? I am staying at the Melrose hotel on pennsylvania avenue.