Anyone got any new HDTV's lately? I am thinking about getting a new one, I have a 50 inch RCA dlp right now which I still love but need a 1080p to go with my blu-ray and I was looking at a Panasonic TC-P54V10, anyone have one? Looks like a winner to me.
As with most electronics these days... research, research, research. Have you done any looking at ratings and such from say Consumer Reports?
Ummm, It's the Pioneer Pro Series 940. I don't think they started naming them like the Kuro until the next year they came out. This model is manufactured in 2006 but I purchased it Nov. in 2007. I have been VERY happy with it. Great for sports and National Geographic type programming. Which covers 80% of my TV time.
Well excuse me while i go F*$K myself
I smell a story don't you Jet ...Come on Pheebs spill the beans ...er...or acorns ...or ...whatever !!!
Well damn it I hate liars ... although I bet a good bit of that goes on in a lotta businesses nowadays ...I hope ya raised he-ll with them over your moms tv ...
Haha good story pheebs
Oh and screw Best Buy. I've got the Best Buy story to beat all Best Buy stories. When I was looking for my new TV I swung into Best Buy one night and they had a LG that I was actually impressed with on clearance. Was going to end up paying around $800 for a 48" that was normally $2500+. Well they offered 0% interest for 24 month if you spent $1000 so I went ahead and got HDMI cables and all to get it to $1000 figuring hell if they are gonna give me 0% why not?
Well they didn't have the tv they had to bring it in from another store but I had to pay for it now for them to get it so I went ahead and did the whole credit card deal for 0%. Three weeks later after calling repeatedly I find out they sold the tv that I had already paid for to someone else and couldn't locate another one. So I took everything back and told them to cancel the card. Six months later I get a call asking when I was going to pay my Best Buy Card off that was now six months past due. Come to find out the dumb ass kid who did the return didn't ring out one of the items that totaled $35. But now its six months past due, **** up my credit and they're saying I owe $200. Well to make a long story short, over a year later and numerous letters and phone calls I still haven't been able to get it taken care of and its killing my credit. Screw Best Buy.
You should be able to add a consumer statement to your credit report explaining the situation just call up the credt bureau and ask to do so. Then I would contact an attorney who handles consumer affairs , most won't charge much to just write a letter to the company and sometimes thats all it takes. Thats a shame Maddy ...makes me very leary of Best Buy ...
Well you know that saying about not be able to get blood from a stone...? Don't you believe it, they can not only get blood from the stone, but they can reduce it to tears just before it starts to bleed ! LMAO
Check this out - 60 in DLP HDTV 1080p for $1100