I seem to have lost a good friend....

So I've been searching all over for my friend. He was with me on vacation, but I haven't seen him since. He did a great job on holding on to my sticks while they waiting patiently for their time to come. His leather construction was ideal and allowed him to keep my sticks properly hydrated and protected for whatever activities the day may have brought.
For all your service, Mr. Gurkha 3 Finger cigar holder, thank you and hope to find you again some day.
For all your service, Mr. Gurkha 3 Finger cigar holder, thank you and hope to find you again some day.
(im having a good day as you can tell)
I'd nail pictures of him up on phone poles and tape them to convenience store windows ...
Oohhhh ...thats gonna leave a red mark ...
You didn't notice any Squirrels around about the time it disappeared did ya ???
...oh wait, your supposed to disguise yourself before you demand a ransom. oops!
I always hate/love when I think I lost something somewhere only to find it later right where I left it. I spent an hour looking for my car keys once (long time ago) and they were in my hand the whole time. Looked in my pocket, looked in my other pocket(switching them from one hand to the other), tore up the sofa cushions, searched the car, looked in every drawer in my house, hunted for them in the bathrooms, bedrooms with no luck. Finally, in disgust, I threw what was in my hand at the couch....I spent the next hour laughing at myself...
At least that way I don't have to feel stupid twice!
Story of the year, you just made my day. Absolutely Fantastic!