Humi-care Gel or Rectangular Humidification?
I have a decent size humidor with about 100-125 cigars and during the past month or so, I haven't been able to keep my humidor at the right humidity. I currently have three rectangular humidifier's and I want to know if I should switch to the Gel? Does the gel do a better job then the rectangular humidifier? Thank you for your help.
After finding out about the kitty litter crystals from Catfish, I switched from beads to the crystals.
I just bought 8 lbs from the grocery store for $8.
Make sure you get non-scented and that.
But I've been on the crystals for about a month now and no fluctuations at all.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
They do last quite a while and are easier to deal with in the humidifier than the foam, but if you are dealing with the cup/puck style humidifier, you are almost better off pitching it and using a bowl of crystals or beads.
I have an electronic humidifier in my tower and it currently has beads in it. Which I will switch out to crystals when it gets to the point where the start to discolor.
It all amounts to preference.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.