Privacy Laws

Pizza ordering in 2012
Its From the ACLU (an organization that has questionable methods at times and i cant seem to get behind much), but it makes a good point.
the "Take action" link at the end of the movie takes you to page that makes this statement:
im not sure how over reactionary this is, but the concept of keeping my info private i can get behind.
for the record, i didnt sign the online petition associated with this link; ironically because i didnt want to give them my information.
Its From the ACLU (an organization that has questionable methods at times and i cant seem to get behind much), but it makes a good point.
the "Take action" link at the end of the movie takes you to page that makes this statement:
ACLU:We may not live in a society where government and private corporations collude to track your every move -- not yet anyways. But, we are fast approaching a surveillance society where every move, transaction and communication is recorded, compiled, and stored away to be examined and used by the authorities -- and even private corporations --whenever they want.
In 2005, Congress passed the Real ID Act, a federal effort to create a national identity card and a database to support it. It would force all states to connect their DMV databases to one interlinked system -- facilitating government tracking of Americans
im not sure how over reactionary this is, but the concept of keeping my info private i can get behind.
for the record, i didnt sign the online petition associated with this link; ironically because i didnt want to give them my information.
Are they using them in public areas like airports looking for terrorists or places like lowes and such to id thieves?
...privacy groups say the proposal amounts to a "massive" and unexplained shift in government policy. In a statement Monday, American Civil Liberties Union spokesman Michael Macleod-Ball said the move could "allow the mass collection of personal information of every user of a federal government website."