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A wonderful evening with Ezra Zion

rzamanrzaman Posts: 2,650 ✭✭✭
edited February 7 in General Discussion

Dustin introduced me with the owners of Ezra Zion Alan and Chris, thanks Dustin. I was in touch with Chris how to get some more Inception cigars. Then I was informed that they are coming to Nicaragua for a business trip. This is how my friendship started with Ezra Zion. Finally I invited them to my house yesterday and I am glad they were able to come and join me for few smokes.

I know many cigar maskers but Alan, Kyle and Chris are very different. I had a good feeling when we exchanged few emails. They are not only making a cigar- they have a statement with the name “Ezra Zion” which is very close to my certain believe. It was very interesting to discover that we share a lot of common political views and values. Though we were supposed to talk a lot about cigar but we end up talking more about Foreign Affairs (which is one of my favorite subjects).

However, we also discussed a lot of Ezra Zion cigar, their goal and vision about their product. Whenever I smoke a new cigar, I also want to understand and learn about the background information. Otherwise it is not fun for me to smoke a new cigar. The great thing about Ezra Zion is simple- they market whatever they enjoy smoking. I learned about their business ethics and their production process. Indeed, Ezra Zion is not only a cigar maker; these guys are also trying to make a statement with a target to fulfill the taste buds of a small group of smokers. I was honored to smoke one of their upcoming prototype blend and waiting to smoke another.

I can see that they have a similar strategy as Bill Paley of “La Palina”. They started the venture with an expensive cigar with quality and confidence just the way La Palina introduced their 1896 Robusto Limited Edition in 2011. After learning about their business model, I am very encouraged to see some more exceptional blends from Ezra Zion.

On a side note, Alan, Kyle and Chris are wonderful guys. If you have a chance say hello to them. They are not like many cigar makers who simply came to this business to make money. Lately, I was losing my hope with Nicaraguan cigars and end up smoking very limited Nicaraguan puros. All I can feel is Ezra Zion will not go with the traditional flow rather than come up with some really good Nicaraguan cigars. They were also very kind and gifted me some Ezra Zion Inception and Reagan cigars.

It was a great evening with some great people. I am very glad that I was able to meet these genuine and sincere BOTLs.
Post edited by TheCigarChick on


  • robertgreen30robertgreen30 Posts: 2,105 ✭✭✭✭
    Very nice, I had the Reagan last week. Great Smoke
  • BigshizzaBigshizza Posts: 15,659 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sounds like a great time!!
  • SleevePlzSleevePlz Posts: 6,249 ✭✭✭✭
    Very cool Rip. Sadly, these aren't sold locally for me yet. Can't wait for a broader distribution in the future. They seem like a company I would like to support.
    LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Posts: 7,000 ✭✭✭
    Glad it all worked, I'll see Alan on Tues, can't wait to hear about it bro.
  • The_KidThe_Kid Posts: 7,869 ✭✭✭
    Thanks for sharing,,, Questions,, Why did they change from Tobacalera Tropical to Matasa? DId they they use aganorsa tobacco in the Inception?
  • rzamanrzaman Posts: 2,650 ✭✭✭
    Alan is cool guy. He also told me that you are a talented guitar player. Thanks again for introducing me with such a nice group of people Dustin.
    Glad it all worked, I'll see Alan on Tues, can't wait to hear about it bro.
  • rzamanrzaman Posts: 2,650 ✭✭✭
    Their goal is to buy the aged tobaccos. My understanding is they prefer 1998 and 1999 Cuban seeds tobaccos. I believe, IZ doesn't want to limit themselves with single source rather then select from a wide variety of sources. In my opinion, it is a good strategy. Nicaragua is not what it used to be. Now a days cigar makers need to be careful who and where they outsource their tobacco from.
    The Kid:
    Thanks for sharing,,, Questions,, Why did they change from Tobacalera Tropical to Matasa? DId they they use aganorsa tobacco in the Inception?
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Posts: 7,000 ✭✭✭
    Alan is cool guy. He also told me that you are a talented guitar player. Thanks again for introducing me with such a nice group of people Dustin.
    Glad it all worked, I'll see Alan on Tues, can't wait to hear about it bro.
    some people say I am, hopefully I'll have some up for you guys to listen to soon ;)
  • jj20030jj20030 Posts: 5,804 ✭✭✭✭✭
    why did you leave out ezra brooks? lol
  • robbyrasrobbyras Posts: 5,487
    They are great guys! Glad you got a chance to meet them... Chris cracks me up...
  • The_KidThe_Kid Posts: 7,869 ✭✭✭
    I dont get the name,, Ezra Zion? Is it a kosher cigar? :O)
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Posts: 7,000 ✭✭✭
    The Kid:
    I dont get the name,, Ezra Zion? Is it a kosher cigar? :O)
    the name is a tribute to two of the partners deceased children. They actually had another company name, but after their deaths decided a tribute was in order. Not sure of the back story to that, but that is where the name came from.
  • The_KidThe_Kid Posts: 7,869 ✭✭✭
    The Kid:
    I dont get the name,, Ezra Zion? Is it a kosher cigar? :O)
    the name is a tribute to two of the partners deceased children. They actually had another company name, but after their deaths decided a tribute was in order. Not sure of the back story to that, but that is where the name came from.
    Hmm, Yea from reading Rip's account it seemed to have something to do with a belief. If ya google Ezra Zion I came up with Ezra Zion Melamed. So I figured it had something to do with Zion and the jewish religion, or perhaps something Masonic
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Posts: 7,000 ✭✭✭
    The Kid:
    The Kid:
    I dont get the name,, Ezra Zion? Is it a kosher cigar? :O)
    the name is a tribute to two of the partners deceased children. They actually had another company name, but after their deaths decided a tribute was in order. Not sure of the back story to that, but that is where the name came from.
    Hmm, Yea from reading Rip's account it seemed to have something to do with a belief. If ya google Ezra Zion I came up with Ezra Zion Melamed. So I figured it had something to do with Zion and the jewish religion, or perhaps something Masonic
    its not, basically angel wings and the first names of Chris and Kyle's children who passed. The wings symbolize the children as angels looking over their business venture. Alan is a Christian as well, I've gigged with his son, whom is a harmonica player and one armed slide guitar player. Small world, didn realize I was good friends with his son until after we had conversed a bit.
  • The_KidThe_Kid Posts: 7,869 ✭✭✭
    Either way I dont like politics in my music nor my cigars.. I'll Pass, Unless the come out with a Jimmy Carter cigar,,, then Im all about it.
  • rzamanrzaman Posts: 2,650 ✭✭✭
    Alan of Ezra Zion is in Nicaragua for another business trip and we met last night. We talked a lot of the upcoming new releases, cigar industry and the world affairs until 12 PM. It was nice to see him again. I smoked a small Ezra Zion Tantrum which will be released very soon. He also gave me two Ezra Zion Eminence. I was busy talking to him so didn't concentrate fully about the smoke. However, the little cigars started with strong black pepper then tone it down but the spice came back at the end with a wonderful twist. The best part of the cigar was- though it is medium to full but very smooth with tons of earth, cedar, cocoa and nutty finish. Interestingly at the end it is more into white peppery than black pepper- to me this is a wonderful twist in complexity. I will review it soon. I really enjoyed the smoke. Only 1,500 boxes of 28 will be released. It is always fun to smoke a good cigar before the release. He was also very kind to share two Costa Rican cigar, currently out of market but praised with great confidence as well as to special Curivari cigar. photo EzraZion011_zps336706bf.jpg photo EzraZion012_zps289c1512.jpg photo EzraZion014_zpsbff428e1.jpg
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Posts: 7,000 ✭✭✭
    Those Tantrum are great man, little powerhouse cigars but smooth as can be. I have yet to get the Eminence, but he Tantrum were rolled in March I believe. The Curivari is a personal favorite, my number 2 last year. I may have sent you one a while back as well. It's a Plasencia puro, and you should definitely review it. The Roger Jacobi is good, but I think they still need a few years IMO to become delicate. I have a few of those left, and they are an interesting smoke to get the profile of a Costa Rican puro. Enjoy, those are all class smokes man.
  • robbyrasrobbyras Posts: 5,487
    ok, tell me about the Roger Jacobi... Alan sent me like 15 of them recently and I know NOTHING about them... they have the look and feel of a CI bundle cigar, but I can't find any info on them

    and i'm actually smoking that Curivari right now... really enjoying it
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Posts: 7,000 ✭✭✭
    ok, tell me about the Roger Jacobi... Alan sent me like 15 of them recently and I know NOTHING about them... they have the look and feel of a CI bundle cigar, but I can't find any info on them

    and i'm actually smoking that Curivari right now... really enjoying it
    Costa Rican Puro, these came out in 08 I think. The band was obviously a Davidoff ripoff... They got sued, lost, and the tax man came after the owner. The dumped a bunch to a shop in San Diego while he could, the rest got confiscated by the IRS, which made big news...because they left them all in a storage unit with no humidity and basically destroyed their monetary compensation while the owner fled the country. Alan apparently loved the brand, and bought out the rest of the shop, as they were selling them for dirt cheap.

    I've smoked two, neither were awe inspiring, but they have an interesting profile. The first I was sick so I could not judge. The second I had recently and it was enjoyable until the final third. It didn't sour, just needs more time to me. I am going to save the rest for a few years down the road. I have a feeling they will get a bit more subtle. They are a great thing to gift fellow cigar fanatics, as they give an idea of the Costa Rican profile really. I say smoke one, gift a few to other fanatics, and let the rest sleep.
  • RainRain Posts: 8,958 ✭✭✭
    ok, tell me about the Roger Jacobi... Alan sent me like 15 of them recently and I know NOTHING about them... they have the look and feel of a CI bundle cigar, but I can't find any info on them

    and i'm actually smoking that Curivari right now... really enjoying it
    Costa Rican Puro, these came out in 08 I think. The band was obviously a Davidoff ripoff... They got sued, lost, and the tax man came after the owner. The dumped a bunch to a shop in San Diego while he could, the rest got confiscated by the IRS, which made big news...because they left them all in a storage unit with no humidity and basically destroyed their monetary compensation while the owner fled the country. Alan apparently loved the brand, and bought out the rest of the shop, as they were selling them for dirt cheap.

    I've smoked two, neither were awe inspiring, but they have an interesting profile. The first I was sick so I could not judge. The second I had recently and it was enjoyable until the final third. It didn't sour, just needs more time to me. I am going to save the rest for a few years down the road. I have a feeling they will get a bit more subtle. They are a great thing to gift fellow cigar fanatics, as they give an idea of the Costa Rican profile really. I say smoke one, gift a few to other fanatics, and let the rest sleep.
    Dude...did you make this story up? That's f***ing awesome.
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Posts: 7,000 ✭✭✭
    Yup...owner sold everything he could before the it's seized it. The store that ha them were selling them for a buck a stick or so an Alan bought them out. It's a good stick, not amazing, but decent. I just think it really needs a lot of age to come alive given its like 7x54 an the tobacco probably wasn't aged long.
  • rzamanrzaman Posts: 2,650 ✭✭✭
    Dustin is right...Alan told me the same story about the brand.
    Yup...owner sold everything he could before the it's seized it. The store that ha them were selling them for a buck a stick or so an Alan bought them out. It's a good stick, not amazing, but decent. I just think it really needs a lot of age to come alive given its like 7x54 an the tobacco probably wasn't aged long.
  • rzamanrzaman Posts: 2,650 ✭✭✭
    Dustin, I sent you a small package via Alan. Let me know when you receive it.
    Those Tantrum are great man, little powerhouse cigars but smooth as can be. I have yet to get the Eminence, but he Tantrum were rolled in March I believe. The Curivari is a personal favorite, my number 2 last year. I may have sent you one a while back as well. It's a Plasencia puro, and you should definitely review it. The Roger Jacobi is good, but I think they still need a few years IMO to become delicate. I have a few of those left, and they are an interesting smoke to get the profile of a Costa Rican puro. Enjoy, those are all class smokes man.
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Posts: 7,000 ✭✭✭
    Dustin, I sent you a small package via Alan. Let me know when you receive it.
    Those Tantrum are great man, little powerhouse cigars but smooth as can be. I have yet to get the Eminence, but he Tantrum were rolled in March I believe. The Curivari is a personal favorite, my number 2 last year. I may have sent you one a while back as well. It's a Plasencia puro, and you should definitely review it. The Roger Jacobi is good, but I think they still need a few years IMO to become delicate. I have a few of those left, and they are an interesting smoke to get the profile of a Costa Rican puro. Enjoy, those are all class smokes man.
    Oh really.....yeah, he mentioned something, didnt say you though... I'm meeting him Monday for cigars. I was planning on saving a package for you after the show. You need to try the Smoking Jacket for sure. Also, I am going to meet with Mitchell Orchant and Edward Sahakian (both UK guys) there as well, along with many boutiques from Nica, and hopefully Henke Jr as well. And if you are in the states and I can send....some old island favorites??? Let me know, I'll be in touch brother.
  • rzamanrzaman Posts: 2,650 ✭✭✭
    Wow Dustin you are going to meet two European fine Cuban cigar personalities. They both are elegant and stylish gentlemen. Mitchell Orchant's Hunters and Frankau has one of the best collection of the Cuban cigars in the UK. On the other hand, Edward Sahakian aka Sahakian family owns one of the best cigar shop in London. The shop is located in exclusive Bvlgari Hotel and offers some rare vintage cigar. His family is very well known in London and the western Europe. Try to maintain the connection. Please ask them if they can offer you a list of their vintage collection. I am still looking for a box of Cohiba Consecha 2003.

    Though I will be in the States but my schedule is completely booked in the West, Mid-West and East Coasts. Otherwise I would have joined you guys in the IPCPR. Anyway, I will wait for your report lol.
    Dustin, I sent you a small package via Alan. Let me know when you receive it.
    Those Tantrum are great man, little powerhouse cigars but smooth as can be. I have yet to get the Eminence, but he Tantrum were rolled in March I believe. The Curivari is a personal favorite, my number 2 last year. I may have sent you one a while back as well. It's a Plasencia puro, and you should definitely review it. The Roger Jacobi is good, but I think they still need a few years IMO to become delicate. I have a few of those left, and they are an interesting smoke to get the profile of a Costa Rican puro. Enjoy, those are all class smokes man.
    Oh really.....yeah, he mentioned something, didnt say you though... I'm meeting him Monday for cigars. I was planning on saving a package for you after the show. You need to try the Smoking Jacket for sure. Also, I am going to meet with Mitchell Orchant and Edward Sahakian (both UK guys) there as well, along with many boutiques from Nica, and hopefully Henke Jr as well. And if you are in the states and I can send....some old island favorites??? Let me know, I'll be in touch brother.
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Posts: 7,000 ✭✭✭
    Wow Dustin you are going to meet two European fine Cuban cigar personalities. They both are elegant and stylish gentlemen. Mitchell Orchant's Hunters and Frankau has one of the best collection of the Cuban cigars in the UK. On the other hand, Edward Sahakian aka Sahakian family owns one of the best cigar shop in London. The shop is located in exclusive Bvlgari Hotel and offers some rare vintage cigar. His family is very well known in London and the western Europe. Try to maintain the connection. Please ask them if they can offer you a list of their vintage collection. I am still looking for a box of Cohiba Consecha 2003.

    Though I will be in the States but my schedule is completely booked in the West, Mid-West and East Coasts. Otherwise I would have joined you guys in the IPCPR. Anyway, I will wait for your report lol.
    Dustin, I sent you a small package via Alan. Let me know when you receive it.
    Those Tantrum are great man, little powerhouse cigars but smooth as can be. I have yet to get the Eminence, but he Tantrum were rolled in March I believe. The Curivari is a personal favorite, my number 2 last year. I may have sent you one a while back as well. It's a Plasencia puro, and you should definitely review it. The Roger Jacobi is good, but I think they still need a few years IMO to become delicate. I have a few of those left, and they are an interesting smoke to get the profile of a Costa Rican puro. Enjoy, those are all class smokes man.
    Oh really.....yeah, he mentioned something, didnt say you though... I'm meeting him Monday for cigars. I was planning on saving a package for you after the show. You need to try the Smoking Jacket for sure. Also, I am going to meet with Mitchell Orchant and Edward Sahakian (both UK guys) there as well, along with many boutiques from Nica, and hopefully Henke Jr as well. And if you are in the states and I can send....some old island favorites??? Let me know, I'll be in touch brother.
    I kind of figured you'd know those two. I'll ask Mitchell about the Cohiba for ya.
  • rzamanrzaman Posts: 2,650 ✭✭✭
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Posts: 7,000 ✭✭✭
    I had heard they run Davidoff of London basically and are huge collectors. Really I am interested in making overseas connections so when I finally graduated and have the funds to travel, I can meet up with fellow interesting gentlemen.
  • MVW67MVW67 Posts: 5,592 ✭✭✭✭
    Nice reading Rip and Dust!:-) :-)
    Life is too short, live it like no tomorrow...
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Posts: 7,000 ✭✭✭
    Dustin, I sent you a small package via Alan. Let me know when you receive it.
    Those Tantrum are great man, little powerhouse cigars but smooth as can be. I have yet to get the Eminence, but he Tantrum were rolled in March I believe. The Curivari is a personal favorite, my number 2 last year. I may have sent you one a while back as well. It's a Plasencia puro, and you should definitely review it. The Roger Jacobi is good, but I think they still need a few years IMO to become delicate. I have a few of those left, and they are an interesting smoke to get the profile of a Costa Rican puro. Enjoy, those are all class smokes man.
    recieved.... Pics to follow later today.... Damn dude
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