Good peppery cigar similiar to JDN Antano 1970?

Just curious if there are any peppery cigars or cigars similar to JDN Antano 1970 that I could pick up a box of at a good price, since the JDN are so expensive. Appreciate any feedback. Thanks
frankly, there is no replacement for the Antanos.
but then again, JdN is one of my favorites. i would scrimp trying to find that replacement.
Big thumbs up on both of what Kuzi said. When I have that taste for that kind of smoke. I reach for one of them also. I actually keep them both stocked.
as fas as the DE stuff goes, JdN is not part of DE. JdN is their own company that uses DE as a means of distribution. they are good friends but they have different factories, blenders, rollers, locations, owners, etc.