Is it me?

So at my local shop I have this guy who tries to drag me around the store like it's a car lot. He says he only recommends cigars that he's tasted, which is OK except that the store isn't selling all the other ones. He was dragging me around the store (again) and was making recommendations and we simply don't have the same taste.
Is this par with everybody else? Is this just me? Maybe I'm an A-hole or something. I don't like to be sold and questioned about my tastes. I will still go to the store, they have a great selection and it's nice store.
I would say he's either an over zealous sales person OR he has a boss on his a$$ about jacking up sales ...I like for them to be there if I ask a question but otherwise stay off me ...
Along the same line of 'Is it just me'? Maybe some of you guys in the restaraunt business can answer this question. You go in , are seated, drink orders taken and order your meal. Now most waitresses or waiters make a good amount of their income by tips right? Lets say your drink choice is Coke or Pepsi. Why when they come back around do they ALWAYS say 'Your drink was Diet right ....Oohhh no , actually my drink was NOT diet ...why ? Do you think I should have ordered diet? If you were me would you have ordered diet? Are you saying you THINK I need diet ? What are trying to say I need to lose a few pounds ? Why would they not be taught you always ask if the drink was regular NOT diet so as not to make a customer ill or agrevated or unconfortable??? Why not err on the side you know will not aggrevate someone duh huh . Since tips are a big part of their income heres a tip ...ask if the damn drink is regular and let the customer tell you if its diet . Every time a waitress or waiter asks me this I threaten to cut their tip in half and put the other half in my cigar fund but the wife just gives me that look (you married guys know the look) ...but seriously ...a little common sense please ...I'm just sayin'
Or, use the short version "*** off"...
Regarding the OP, next time he carts you around the shop ask him if he is going to be smoking your cigar for you, then tell him if he isn't, to shut the hell up and let you make your selection on your own.
From time to time they may make a suggestion based on what I bring to the counter. I think your guy may just be trying to be helpful. No need to be rude, he probably enjoys his job and talking with fellow cigar brothers.
He admitted to being a typical cigarette smoker and was getting into cigars, he just pointed out the 5 or so cigars that he's smoked and tried to describe them to me
All-in-all I settled for a Alec Bradley Tempus and a learning lesson for him on what Mx2 and Lx2 meant...
Later on as I was smoking he came up to me and thanked me for he had just sold two Lx2's to a guy based on my description...
Very nice place but the coolest thing about that B&M is that there is a dog that you can play with while you smoke