Herrera Esteli - short corona

The shop owner where I picked it up was raving about it. I was thoroughly unimpressed.
It wasn't a bad smoke don't get me wrong, it just doesn't come close to warranting the hype. I got some spice, wood and grassy flavors but that was it. The spice was particularly heavy through the nose in the first inch but died down nicely. After that the wood and grass was very bland. I wouldn't say it was flavorless but the ones that were there weren't well pronounced. It would be a fine cigar at the shop where you're talking and not paying extra attention to the cigar. As far as a cigar with all the hype and exclusivity involved it rates a "meh". If it was a couple dollars less and readily available it may rate a little higher but it would never make my buy it whenever I see it list. I still have a lonsdale left so it will get a revisit just because of that ...
It wasn't a bad smoke don't get me wrong, it just doesn't come close to warranting the hype. I got some spice, wood and grassy flavors but that was it. The spice was particularly heavy through the nose in the first inch but died down nicely. After that the wood and grass was very bland. I wouldn't say it was flavorless but the ones that were there weren't well pronounced. It would be a fine cigar at the shop where you're talking and not paying extra attention to the cigar. As far as a cigar with all the hype and exclusivity involved it rates a "meh". If it was a couple dollars less and readily available it may rate a little higher but it would never make my buy it whenever I see it list. I still have a lonsdale left so it will get a revisit just because of that ...
Anyone else had one?
I think Rip just smoked one of these too, same reaction (just meh). This is a new DE stick, right? It sounds as if I can pass it right up!
Edit: I just re-read Rip's review, and he actually called it DE's best non-infused cigar, Lol!! He said it was relaxing, very mild for a Nic cigar, and complex although not cubanesque at all even though that is how DE describes it.
I don't know about you other guys but young is not what I got from this cigar. I know what a young cigar tastes like, this did not have any characteristics of a young cigar, quite the opposite actually. It's just lacking any kind of complexity, again I think if you liked the flavor profile it did have it would be a fine cigar but definetly not something that stands out.
Rip's take on it: http://www.cigar.com/cs/forums/post/642296.aspx
I haven't had one yet, keeping tabs here first. I almost bought a 10 pack to sample but after hearing this I'm waiting until I hear positive reviews.
At this time I have no hard science to back this up which is why I said this is simply my suspicion and what my experience and gut has told me before, but I am actively searching for some legitimate info that I can post to possibly help clear this up if I can manage it. Thanks and really dig these type of conversations MaduroFan, not offended at all and don't feel like you are jumping on me, just merely having an exchange of ideas and I dig that brother, thanks