Weekend Blitz and DD?

What do you think of the Blitz and Hair of the dog DD? I have been wanting to try the Hair of the dog for a while and I might pick those up, but is the blitz a good deal? Are they a good smoke?
The Gran Habano are a good smoke for the price.
For $2/stick I think they're a good yard 'gar .... not the most complex smokes in the world but the few I've had were well constructed and burned nicely. Thinking about getting some myself to smoke while working in the yard.
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
But as mentioned no real complexity, just a good morning cigar with coffee. Worth the buck.
Now the DD on the Griffins is a great deal for the conny lover.
Made by Davidoff I believe, they are a great gar for that price.
Enjoyed the one I had on the golf course.
Oh man, they must have sold out. Whenever a DD sells out they put something else up in it's place. If you really wanted them I'm sure you could email or call someone at c.com. If they couldn't give you the exact same price I'm sure they would do everything they could to get as close to that price as possible.