Soooo..... the Filthy Hooligan

Sorry to mislead anyone who thinks this is a review but I just wanted to say that I tried one of the Filthy Hooligans, that kingjk729 was so nice to let me go in with him on, at the bar last night and I have to say, what a disaster. No matter how hard I tried I just couldn't smoke it. I smoked about an inch and a half to 2 inches and had to put it down. I then had to run outside and lick the southbound end of a northbound mule to get the taste out of my mouth. Maybe it was something I drank or something I ate that just didn't pair, I dunno. The plus side is I figured out that I dont like Candella's. I ended the night with a tasty San Lotano Oval so all was well. Anyone else have a better or worse experience?