Leccia Tobaco

Just checking to see if anyone else out there has had a chance to smoke one. They had a booth at Cigarfest and were handing out their black labels. My buddy and I decided to go to Cabela's in Hamburg and stopped into CI there ..... Wow if you ever get a chance do so its a really nice place with a sweet bar and loads of areas to relax and chill with a cigar. I purchased a black label and my friend purchased the white label. We both enjoyed the cigars mine was a mild to medium bodied and the white is a more medium to full bodied stick. Great construction and great burns on both cigars and I was very pleased and will be looking into purchasing some more of these. Any body else have any feedback.
I tried the black, and enjoyed it. Not much change throughout the stick, but a nice smoke all the way through. I meant to pick up some white labels, but got sidetracked by the Liga T-52's. I will definitely be trying the white label/