Can I use Heartfelt's bead calculator to figure Kitty Litter requirements?
I'm thinking about using kitty litter in my coolidor. Can I use Heartfelt Industry's calculator to figure out my Kitty Litter requirements?
Are they basically equal, or do I need more or less KL compared to Heartfelt beads? Any advice would be welcome.
The good thing ab KL is, it is cheap and you will have all you need in one bag (most likely). You buy 5 lbs in a bag and once you use some in your cooler, if it is not re-stabalizing as quickly as you like, add more.
Define re-stabilizing.
And do you use cigar boxes inside your cooler? Or cedar trays? No cedar?
When I say re-stabilizing, I am refering to how quickly the cooler returns to its target humidity. The more KL you have, the more stable the cooler will be (will hold your target rh for a long time with low maintenance) and the quicker it will return to the target rh after opening the lid.
If you dont have enough KL in there, it will need misted with water more often, will fluctuate more, and will take longer to return to its stable rh (re-stabilize) after opening. All this is of course solved by adding more KL, and the good thing ab KL is it is easy to start with half the bag and add more if necessary.
Yes, I do have 3 or 4 cigar boxes in there, more for organization than anything. That, and I love the smell. Plastic containers or dividers would work just as well. I dont feel like I need the water-absorbing properties of the wood in there, though. That's just an added bonus along with the lovely aroma. I would use trays if I could find them, and would love to add a spanish cedar shelf/crumb catcher or divider.