Storing pipe tobacco?

in Pipes
How do you keep it? I have some in a glass tobacco jar with a humi pack and some just in a ziplock bag. Advice? Your setups?
Life is like a blind fiver. You never know what you're gonna get.
Pipe tobacco does not need the same humidity as cigars. I don't add humi packs to mine. I will add a spray or two of distilled water if it comes too dry but otherwise I just put it in a jar and forget it until I want it. If it is too dry (I have not yet had this problem) I would just add a spray or two of distilled water to bring it back.
One more thing to consider about that humi pack, it can lead to mold growth. This is not something that I have seen but Bob Tate of Pipes Mag. commented on this and I have taken his advice for what it is worth.
It depends. If you pick it up and rub it between your fingers does it just go to dust? If so, then no all the oils are gone. If not, it could be great. Let us know about how it feels it would be worth trying to save, espeically if it was traditional tobacco.
I would just try smoking it. Sticky could mean that it is/was an aromatic, which typically does not age well but that is not necessarily the case. If it feels like the stuff you are buying then it is in fine shape. I would not add any water to it. Remember the RH for pipe tobacco is 10-14% so if it feels right just smoke it!
If I get dry tobacco which I occasionally do (that is dry to me) I like to use the humi-care pillows without the outer sleeve. I'll throw 1, 2, or 3 in a container. Amazing how fast the distilled water is absorbed. I feel this is better than spraying with water because it does it more slowly allowing all the tobacco to absorb it. As soon as the tobacco feels right I remove them and let it sit a day or so and then feel it again. The bottom of the container is the last to see the added moisture so this allows the time for the moisture to even out. I then recheck and if still dry feelin add another pillow for a day or so. Once there if its in a well sealed container you don't need additional humidification.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Again I bought them from Walmart. Good quality at a reasonable price when you see the same container on internet tobacco suppliers going for $29.95. and the only difference is the humidifying agent that you don't need. Once you have the moisture right you just keep it sealed.
I find the pillows are good outside their sleeve. The transfer is through moisture in the air and not direct. Simple, clean and only need time. The time it takes is also good because the content changes slowly. Once there, take them out and you're home free.