
in Pipes
How often do you clean? When do you clean, immediately after, next day, half hour later? I assume at some point you take it apart and clean both parts. I'm just curious of your cleaning rituals as one of mine got clogged last night and I did not realize it until this morning.
I run a bristle cleaner down the stem, fold it and run it down the shank into the bowl. After that comes out clean I take it, around the inside of the bowl.
After several bowls I do a deep clean. I use Everclear and send it down the stem I like to use Q-tip with Everclear to go down the shank into the air hole right to the edge of the bowl. Once these come out clean I run a final cleaner down everything and let it rest for a day before smoking again.
Some like to use water instead of Everclear and it works fine for them. I don't, it does not clean to the point that when I draw on the empty stem I taste nothing at all. With Everclear, I get a little sweetness but no other taste. That too goes away after a dry cleaner and a day left to dry.
I use it on the outside of my stems as well. It will prevent oxidation and makes them shine.
The next day is fine. Yes, alcohol is the key and the higher the proof the better. You could use vodka as it is neutral too some like rum or brandy but this does leave a taste to me, but again the higher the proof the better.
Because of the number of pipes and the number of times I smoke a particular pipe in a day I wind up letting them go till they really need it. I store my pipes vertical which allows built up juices to flow into the bowel if there are any. If I pick up a pipe I first check the bowl to make sure there is no liquid in the bottom. I then give it a quick blow to clear any ash or deposit and look again to see if any liquid entered the bowl. If its dry I load up and smoke. If wet I take the pipe apart and use a paper towel rolled into a point and work it down into the shank to soak up any moisture and remove built up tar. Then I use it to wipe out the bowl. I then run a bristle pipe cleaner through the stem from mouthpiece to saddle. I may be backwards but why pull tar towards your mouth. Feeding it all the way thru the stem. It usually is clean enough to then take the part that went in last and clear the passageway between shank and bowl. If really dirty I use a second or third pipe cleaner.
I save any further cleaning until the bowl has to be scrapped. For that I scrap the bowl and clean the shank thoroughly. I then take the stem under hot running water and run a bristle pipe cleaner back and forth while under the running water till I feel its good and clean. I then use a dry pipe cleaner and run through to dry the stem. I usually do them all at the same time because I smoke them all pretty much equally and I make a production line out of it. Treva usually helps me with this chore. I also clean when I find the taste has deteriorated to the point of unpleasantness. Usually that's just the quick clean method. That's it for my pipes.
Nothing special for them.
Oh, and I've really screwed up a couple pipes by not letting them cool, repeatedly. Don't be impatient, buy another pipe!
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