Electric lighters

Are there any for cigars? Like with a heating coil and whatnot? If not why? Seems like a good idea. Even heat coverage and easier to toast having the coils. That's what I would assume. Cleaner than other fuels. Plus you can leave it "lit" to burn of residuals from prior sticks.
Life is like a blind fiver. You never know what you're gonna get.
yeah see if you can find it again! I would love to see it!
yeah I saw the one for cogarettes too. Kinda what sparked my curiosity.
I dont think it will stay hot long enough to start the cigar properly. Like said earlier i think it would cool quickly since there isnt a constant power source. but try! lol I wanna know if it works or how much longer it would take to light it.
I'll try to remember to give a review when I get it.
It doesn't say what powers it though. Whether it is 110V, DC battery or what.
The nickle plated microphone really has me curious.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
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The cord and plug are made to look like the old-fashioned appliance cords and plugs. You can't see in the lousy phone pics, but the cord is covered by a coarsely woven cloth, just like Grandma's iron.
Well crap in a hand basket... That's pretty neat!!!! That's exactly what I was thinking about. Pretty neat for a display piece too
blblair said:
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.