Cigar bar etiquette

Hey ya'll, hope that the Spring is treating you well. I have a rather dumb question, but I'm not sure who else to ask.
There is a local cigar bar that I'd like to try out. Is it considered to be bad form to bring my own sticks to smoke as long as I buy a beverage or two? Not sure if they will have what I want at a price that I'm willing to pay. I don't mind paying for alcohol as I don't keep it around the house (other than beer). They have a membership, but it's not required to simply pop in and hang out (I"m guessing it gives you access to their humi to store your own stuff).
Thanks a bunch!
There is a local cigar bar that I'd like to try out. Is it considered to be bad form to bring my own sticks to smoke as long as I buy a beverage or two? Not sure if they will have what I want at a price that I'm willing to pay. I don't mind paying for alcohol as I don't keep it around the house (other than beer). They have a membership, but it's not required to simply pop in and hang out (I"m guessing it gives you access to their humi to store your own stuff).
Thanks a bunch!
Thanks to all who responded.
What is the easiest way to locate a cigar friendly bar, restaraunt or lounge in my city, or a city i will be traveling too. Thanks
In the interim, my usual hangout is my back deck. Wife put some flowers in and I've got a hammock and my grill out there. Life is complete.
How did the shop work out?
When you’re finished changing, you’re finished. —Ben Franklin
See, there's the problem with digging up ancient threads... sometimes you have to look at when the thread ended, and maybe when the last poster was active.
Didnt know there was a last active. I see it now. Apologies. Lesson learned and I am just trying to read and hope to minimize redundant questions. This thread answered a question so success!
When you’re finished changing, you’re finished. —Ben Franklin
It's all good, Shawn. You can also glean some good info by clicking on a username and seeing their profile.
I see that now. didnt cross my mind. Saw the original Date of the post which piqued my interest
When you’re finished changing, you’re finished. —Ben Franklin
There's some gems amongst the old posts, a lot of times the people are long gone and aren't going to reply, but the information still good, most of the time. Get off my lawn young whippersnapper.

Calm down... @Bob_Luken
Did you see any of these?-----> !
No? Then I'm calm.
I know my punctuation.
I will absolutely take young whippersnapper and hold on to it for dear life. Enter midlife crisis!
When you’re finished changing, you’re finished. —Ben Franklin
This is very much appreciated.
I follow one very simple rule when going to a cigar lounge. Take 1, Buy 1.
I also always take my own cutter and lighter.
"Some people meditate, I smoke cigars." - Ron Perlman
"...I intend to go home tonight and smoke a cigar to the glory of God." - Charles Spurgeon
Two Time Cigar Lottery Winner
Don't fart in the humidor.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Where the hell did you find a picture of my dog @Bob_Luken
I would ask before bringing in your own sticks. Some places have a policy not to allow outside cigars. I usually bring a stick of my own, then buy a cigar there either to smoke or to take home to enjoy later. I also will buy a drink or two. Gotta support your local spots.
"Long ashes my friends."
Yes, very good point. I never use any of the "house" cutters. Usually kinda dull...not to mention, I don't want someone else's saliva on my cigar.
"Long ashes my friends."