WTF?! Im converting to kitty litter.
I am furious. I still dont know if any of my sticks are ruined and probably wont know until i smoke one of them. I get home today, noticed my RH on my humi had dropped from its usual 61-62 down to about 59. I figure its been about a month since i serviced the Gel beads i have (I know you guys are against all of that ) but it worked for me and i figured what the hell, im just a beginner anyways. Anyways, on to the point.. I looked at the gel beads, and they have mold growing on them. I am using Monster Magma gel beads, with Monster Venom. Both are advertised to prevent growth of mold AND THERE IS FREAKING MOLD GROWING ON THEM!!!!!
Are my sticks ruined?
Should i trash the humi and start over ?
Should i disinfect it?
Why did this happen?
What did i do wrong?
Are my sticks ruined?
Should i trash the humi and start over ?
Should i disinfect it?
Why did this happen?
What did i do wrong?
is there mold on anything else?cigars, humi wood, etc.
by chance did you find any spot in the humi that was extremely damp or moist?
and calm down
2) inspect (carefully) the inside of your humi, under bright lights
3) salt test your hygrometer
4) get some beads - heartfelt or KL. If you do the KL, you might have to fiddle with it to get it down to 61/62........most i have seen runs in upper 60s
5) (should be number 1) trash that gel crap
I moved all into zip locs, wiped off the mold from the selected sticks that had it, put those into a separate zip loc, and smoked them. They were fine.
Gel sucks. Period
Anyways, I'll assume this is the case and you know you hygrometer and your RH is in fact at 72, which is too high.
Make 5 small containers for your KL, that will easily fit in your humi. (There's plenty on info on how to do this, ideas, is your for one of my older posts, etc.)
You are going to use 3 of these containers for your humi, the other two are "back-ups" (see below).
Take the silica you have in there now, and divide it equally into 3 containers (use a very coarse flour sieve to get rid of the flaky smaller bits, replace with bigger pieces if you've lost too much.)
Then use new silica and make two more similar units
Put two of the containers with the silica from your humi, back into your humi.
Dump the other three containers into a clean 1/4 or 1/2 sheet baking pan, and put them in the oven at 175 to 200 degrees for 15 minutes.....after 15 minutes, turn off the oven, and let the beads sit in there for another 30 minutes to cool down (keep over door closed)
Then, put those beads back into the three containers (move quickly of the rh is high in your can use a funnel and such to pour the beads into your containers, etc.)
Put one of the oven treated bead containers into your humi (these are the "adjustment units"......I like to keep the adjustment unit on top, so I can get to it easily)
Put the other two oven treated units into a large zip-lock bag, and vacuum seal it as best you can. Then put that bag in another zip-lock back, and repeat. (These are your back-up adjustment units).
Wait 24 hours, and check your hygrometer.
If it has dropped a few points, do nothing, and wait another 24 hours, and check it again.
If the RH hasn't dropped, replace the adjustment unit with a back-up adjustment unit, and check again in 24 hours.
Anyways, you can see where I'm going with this.
You want to have one adjustment unit, that will be the container you use to raise or lower your RH.
Eventually, over a period of weeks, you'll have "trained" your KL, and you'll have to fiddle with it less and less.
BTW, I have used this system on a very large cooler, and multiple humis with great results, for over a year and a half issues.
Just in case anybody is in need of help choosing some kitty litter. Here's a thread that lists some good and bad choices of kitty litter.
I thank you every day for your gift of KL Drew! I still have half of the bag you sent!!!!
I have been using KL for awhile now and it holds a solid 68.... I haven't touched them since I started months ago. I cracked the rectangular humidification devices that came with the humis, took out the green crap, and replace with KL. That's it, that's all and holding steady since. I am still running a few Paradigms too (not with the KL) as they work pretty well. I have the KL in 150, 100, and 50 count humis. I keep all of the humis in the basement where ambient temperature and humidity stay pretty constant all year. I think this is very important too. Yes, I monitor the temperature and RH outside the humis too.