This is an ongoing investigation

Why do they say that?
Why do they always get in front of the microphones and say - This is an ongoing investigation. Really now? Ya' don't say? Just today, the **** just hits the proverbial fan in DC and the first thing I happen to hear out of some law enforcement big shot's mouth is - This is an ongoing investigation. Well hell! I would hope you ARE still investigating. Do they think we're too stupid to know that in the real world they can't wrap everything up neatly in one hour like those dumb CSI episodes? Where the hell did they come up with this useless catchphrase anyway?
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Yes. And, on average, they're right.
In a story on the Harvey "gimmeabj" Weinstein situation the NYPD is quoted saying some really redundant ****.
“We are aware of the sexual assault complaints,” “We are actively investigating them. “The NYPD continues to work with the Manhattan District Attorney’s office on the case,” he added. “The investigation is on-going.”
The first three short sentences make it OBVIOUS that the investigation is "ongoing". WHY do they habitually say that? It's just so STOOOOPID.
The good news is I may be the only one irritated by this catchphrase.
My personal "ongoing investigation" by Synchrony Bank and the hacking of my CC is, according to 2 VOIP calls still an ongoing investigation. But, the same robots said that the ongoing investigation will be complete in 2 weeks.
The Vegas Police will probably come in 2nd place for the length of an ongoing investigations and the Clinton's would be in 1st place for ongoing investigations. We will probably never know the truth about either ongoing investigation.
Well the investigation is "ongoing" after all.
The proper phrase is eat **** and Die!