How do you bring this up to a B&M owner

Ok so i was at one of the local B&Ms that is by my house. The place is not really the nicest place and i don't feel that they take care of their cigars, but they have the most stock in the city and is less than 10 minutes away from my house. I get my boveda there because they are only $4 a piece and browse around just to see what is new.
I always hit their bargain humi where stuff is marked down before i leave and today i see this:
i don't know the people working there too well but there are several boxes like this in their humi.
since i am new to this store and to B&Ms in general do i go up to them and tell them about it? Again they don't know me from squat and this is the store where i always feel out of place and not a single person has said hello to me other than the old lady at the front who doesn't leave her stool
I always hit their bargain humi where stuff is marked down before i leave and today i see this:

i don't know the people working there too well but there are several boxes like this in their humi.
since i am new to this store and to B&Ms in general do i go up to them and tell them about it? Again they don't know me from squat and this is the store where i always feel out of place and not a single person has said hello to me other than the old lady at the front who doesn't leave her stool
If they argue that this is plume, leave and never go back.
I think i will tell them, and i sure hope they don't blow me off
It doesn't sound like this is a very friendly shop I would probably try and talk to who ever seems to be in charge and simpley ask what is this fuzzy stuff, (play dumb) if they don't know and seem to care you can explane it, if they try and pass it off as plume or don't care, well either way you did your part to try and help. Sounds like your going to have to find a new b&m
At all three of the b&m's I shop at there is Always someone trying to help!
Walk up to them itching and twitching. Tell them your allergic to mold. Then puke on the desk.
That might get their attention !
Wow! I would bet their business consists of people who've always frequented their shop, and a couple new people who tend to avoid returning. That's really bad.
I go to a local lounge and buy a lot because I can see the attention to detail there, and I like the owner / staff. My actual local shop isn't bad but our tax rate is so high in AR (68%) that I tend to buy a lot more online and I just pay the S&H charges to get them sent in.
I discreetly told them it was mold and that they had to get a different humidification device (as opposed to their green foam puck sitting in half an inch of standing water). They were quite attentive but the next time, and every time, I've gone back it's the same way. I think their cigar supplier does everything for them and he f's it all up but tells them it's all okay. Too bad, it's a great store.