Sen. Kennedy

So, is health care reform (at least in it's current incarnations) dead along with Sen. Kennedy? I won't speak ill of him, and I acknowledge the impact he had in the Senate, but let's just say the America he wanted is not the America I want. Of course, main stream media will continue to "lionize" him.
As for healthcare, I don't think it dies here as well. The left is trying to drum up support for it in Kennedy's name which is so bogus it's not even funny! Ted didn't rely on government boards to decide what treatment options he would use, he didn't let the government tell him his case is too advanced and he would not be treated. He used private Dr.s and the best treatments available because under our current plan... THEY ARE STILL AVAILABLE... I just pray it stays that way.
"Long ashes my friends."
As for Ted's passing, it's a sad day for his family, and they have my condolences.
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