Can't smoke today.....The Gestapo is coming.

Twice a month the DCS of TN makes a house call and I can't even smoke in my own room.
We will do anything to keep the grand kids out of the clutches of Foster Care but I think my own room should be off limits to their bureaucratic overreach.
Oh well, nothing to be done except get them in and out as fast as possible.
Oh well, nothing to be done except get them in and out as fast as possible.
Food on the table, clean clothes on her back, clean home to live in, etc etc etc.
Any one can make a complaint, and some do, just to make trouble. It is like social media (you could not make me join one), someone starts some untrue gossip just to be mean and you are stuck with it. At least DCS has to investigate, and you obviously were doing nothing wrong. But sister or not, she would have made a list that she would not want to be on.
Anywho....get 'em in, offer 'em a drink, and boot 'em out the door...then go have a smoke.
Fruitcake step daughter in law turned in stepdaughter for being a meth user. She was taking care of the youngest of the fruitcakes children.
One: fruitcake is so dumb that she forgot that this means her daughter could end up in foster care out of the family's reach.
Two: fruitcake is in prison for 30 days. She should be locked up in a straitjacket in a padded cell in an asylum on a desert island.
Three: fruitcake has cost this family 1000s of dollars.
Four: fruitcake is a habitual meth user. fruitcake is so burnt out it she can't tell the truth about anything or anyone. she will steal from anyone. she has no redeeming value at all.
The stepdaughter she dropped a dime on is a registered nurse and has MS. She has a drug test every month and there has never been a trace of meth. Yet the drug test fruitcakes angry lawyer forced her to take showed meth but no trace of the drugs she takes to battle her MS. The judge and my stepdaughters lawyer, when told about the monthly tests smelled a rat.
It seems the fruitcakes lawyer is considered a drug expert. The only thing I have found is she lost her 2 kids to drug overdoses. That just makes her angry, not an expert. Now I am going to try and find out if fruitcake has made any new friends at the drug testing facility and what influence, if any, her lawyer has with them. I am sure the judge and my step daughters lawyer are thinking along the same lines. Maybe a drug test for the testers? Send her to a different lab?
So, in order to keep the child out of the foster care system we are being investigated again.
What's up with that? "Oh, I know her, I've busted her like 16 times. She must be telling the truth!"
Blows my mind.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Yet, the meth heads are believed on everything.
If the grand daughter wasn't in my house, I'd boot them out on the street.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Hey, that needs to be a "button", too. Groan, SMDH. We're short two buttons.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain