Sunday Morning smoke , & news from the Kitchen Table

Good Morning, it is Sunday the 6th of July , a hot & humid day here in Da Burgh , Finallllly, after weeks of Rain , But nothing like the poor souls in the Mississippi river area , , with all the farm land that has been flooded & all the citys divistated , why dont we see any riots & name calling & finger pointing lootings & the same stuff we saw in New Orleans ? is it the nature of the farmers to take care of there own & not want any help from the federal Government ?????? , I guess its just the way things are , I grew up in a suburban area now I live in a rural area, that is slowing getting developed into an Urban area , ( it SUCKS) , & I can see the difference in attitude of the City folks comming out to the country & find out they need to do things for them selves, Like CUT the grass , hey Dummie you got a house with a Yard now Not an appartment with A Building maintenence staff to change your light bulbs , I have been here over 30years now & its funny to see how self reliant I have become , I have a tool box , & a power drill, & a SHOVEL & RAKE , God Help me I dont use them Much But I have !!! , give me a good Knife & a stove I am fine, but me & a 2 x4 with hammer & nails are not a good mix, , however I can if needbe use them, but some of the city slickers moving out here for the "fresh " air will learn just like I did , when the farmer spread the manure on the fields the Fresh air is RIPE hahahahahaha
there is a wild growning Blackberry bush in one corner of my yard, I have been getting my fingers stained as I stand there & watch in amazement of Gods Glory & how that little seed I spit out 10 years ago or so has beveloped into a fruit bearing bush , complete with thorns to get you to stop eating before you eat them all , yea a few scratches 7 when the blood starts to drip onn the shoes , you know its time to stop hahahaha
I have pandora .com playing right now , dave brubeck , man this is great , since i found Pandora I havent tirned on the TV at work , just crank up the Jazz on Pandora & relax with a fine OLD Cigar & a well aged single malt with a pot of Fresh ground coffee & tell the customers to wait till the song is over before I move hahahaha
I have a NICE set of Porterhouse steaks sitting in a light marinade & some Yams that will hit the grill some time this afternoon , I will Qtr. the spuds , give them a light coat of EVOO & drop them on the grill about the same time I put the piece of beef on for my wife , when hers is almost creamated then I will put mine on , threaten it with a little heat , get some nice grill marks on it to show me where to Cut hahaha, thats about all it will need !
Coffee this morning is a Mexican coffee of some sorts, my wife picked it up at the new coffee roaster in New Brighton Pa , the place is called hallowedgrounds , they are turning out some great stuff so far , we are working our way through the menu of several different styles & roasts of a lot of different blends & single coffees , you can call them at 724-581-JAVA ( a shameless plug ) , tell them I recomended them to you & dont worry they know who I am for Sure hahaha
#2 grandson had a tooth pulled this past week, his braces came off & he is just using a retainer at night now , , to many teeth on one side of his mouth & not enough on the other , so Now when he smiles you see teeth not braces , he said it feels funny ............... yea I guess so !! #1 gradson is finishing up his cooking class at the Sweetwater arts & has had a crash course on Caviar , salmon, & cream cheese , now he want to add caviar to everything , well slow down cowboy this stuff is 'SPENCIVE , I am going to show him the food bill & hope he understands you just dont have caviar 3 times a week let alone 3 times a day , 3 times a year can break the bank !
I am having a rabbit problem.... I have this round cement decotative "stone" beside the walkway, its been there a year , never had any problems with is till now, it is set in sand , & for a year the birds, chipmunks & rabbits just ran over & arround it, Now the Dumb Bunnys are digging up the sand & laying there , I gues its cooler , or maybe warmer, , it is all out in the open so I dont think they are trying to nest , but I added a bottle of RED PEPPER flakes to the sand, , same thing all over again, sand tossed every where , for a year it looked like a fine Japeneese sand garden , now it looks like a kids sand box !!! , anyone have any ideas how to get rid of the rabbits , with out cooking them hahahaha ????
I was out doing a cigar tasting yesterday in a mall shop , I have never seen so many people come in a cigar shop who were not smokers, I offer a cigar , they say No thanks I dont smoke I was just looking at the shop, , in the 4 hours I was there I must have had 20 people say NO to a FREE cigar , they had to smoke it there , as the mall was NON smoking but the shop had a smoking lounge , so inside the shop was OK but not OUTSIDE ........ , I dont understand that, you go to the mall to shop & if you dont smoke cigars why would you come in a cigar shop to "LOOK" & COMPLAIN about the AROMA , stupid jack@$$e$ , it says CIGAR SHOP on the door what do you think was being sold there & smoked there , a BIG cloud of smoke Billowing up from 8 or 10 Cigar smokers & you come in & *** about the AROMA , GIVE ME A GUN !!!!!
There will NOT be a POSTING next Sunday Morning , I am heading for vegas & the RTDA show , Next Sunday Morning , I knows they changed the name from RTDA to some othe BS , but RTDA is what I remember , I dont know if I will get one posted saturday Night or not, so you will need to put you collictive minds on Hold or get a life hahahaha
Hey i am looking out he window at the pasture & this DUMB cow has her back to the electric fence & swishing her tail back & forth Hitting he frece, getting a small shock as I can see the spark & the mussel contract on the hind Qtr,& she isnt moving away from the fence, , hummmm mabe she likes it ! , I sire am going to miss the pasture when the old guy dies & his kids sellit for home development , if I had the cash I would buy it my self & keep it cow pasture , rent it out to some one who wanted to raise beef & not Kids , I dont want to get into raising beef now way to old for all that hard work !!!
speaking of OLD this past Friday was the BIRTHDAY OF THE USA , I had the TV on a little & caught a little of the Musical 1776 , dammm I miss drinking with my Buddys Ben & Tom hahahaha , but back then it was mostly Rum , Beer & wine, the drink of the day was Tea, & dont get me wrong , I like a cup of tea here & there BUT I AM A COFFEE person , with a little Single malt on the side , they just pair up a lot better than Tea with anything , Rum & bourbon are to sweet for my taste buds & since i never use sugar in my coffee or tea ,,, scotch is My dram of choice
all most noon time for me to get my formerly fat @$$ in gear & get going , Enjoy the next 2 weeks I will try to post next saturday but I cant be sure , SEE YOU IN VEGAS
Enjoy, Vince
in hand one would be a cigar, in hand two would be a botle of scotch, in the third hand there would be a frying pan and in the fourth... sometimes a chefs knife and sometimes another cigar.
some day i will go to the RTDA
It has been a kind of different week for me here in da Burgh , I spent the week in the hospital , had a heart catherization & got a clean bill of health but I have no idea what kind of bill I will get from the insurance company hahaha, a stress test didnt pin point anything as I pulled up short of the target heart rate with a pulled ham string, dammmmm I was burning it up when the leg went south , last time I had a stress test I was well over 375 pounds & hit my target rate & stayed on about 30 seconds after I hit it , & I was in my street shoes ( offical Postal issue walking shoes ) , this time I was in shorts & support sox with new balance running shoes & end up NOT doing as well as I did before loosing the 202 pounds , dammmmm how embarrising can you get i was hoping to get a good 10 minutes on the tread mill , lasted just a bit over 7 ....
BUT the Food was great in the hospital, I had a private room, ( I have no idea how that happened , the place was full up & this was what was left, well I had Room service & just picked up the phone & ca;;ed , about 20 minutes later the food was there on a tray broung by a lovely young lady in a smart looning uniform that was FORM FITTING , she did the Bunny dip when placing the food on my table dammmmmm it was a GREAT VIEW , well i did get a go for it cigar OK from the Doc, he is a cigar smoker , so I was just fine with that, , on Tuesday when he came in to see me , he asked if I wanted a nicotene patch, since I wasnt allowed to have a cigar on the cardio unit ( or even out side as the entire hospital grounds are NON smoking even for the staff, well I thought NO I dont need it & I was Correct, Cold turky from 10 a day to ZERO & no ill effects at all , I did have a little more coffee than usual, all they had was INSTANT SANKA , so I put 2 packs in my cup added the hot water & it was almost passable , for the time & place I was in, it was OK , BUT frifay Morning My brother shows up with a Large cup of BLACK , DARK ROAST , FROM his Freedom press maker, sits it down in front of me & says I know you need this .. hahahahahaha
well I havent been in the kitchen at all this week, so the Boss has been getting Pizza & subway all week, she hates to cook for her self alone , but this morning I did make her an egg , I finished the Tofu my self that was here , dammmm I did miss that for breakfast every morning, stuck with omlets filled with peppers onions mushrooms tomatoes ham sausage bacon & 3 different cheeses , served with a side of tabasco dipping sauce , dammmm it was tuff to say No to that & I didnt ! hahaha , well she had her Perfect egg this morning & she was happy, now the rest of the day will be smooth sailing ! , I have a nice set of T Bones to grill today , I will slice some onions & russets thick sandwich them together, wrap it in foil with a little bacon fat & toss them on the grill & let them "BAKE" about 35 minutes before I toss on the beef, it is sitting in a little marinade of Italian dressing & crushed garlic right now , hers will cook the rest of the day & I will give mine about 3 minuts a side , dammmmm after 38 years together you might think she would learn to eat her beef Rare .... BUT No if its pink its Bloody to her, , all I want it Knock off its horns whipe its @$$ , place it on a warm plate & walk it through a HOT room, & serve it .............. BEEF its whats for Breakfast , LUNCH & SUPPER . , dont get me wrong I have no problems with sea food, pork, chicken, lamb, turkey, wild game , dammmm if it walks swims or flys or even slithers , you clean it , I'll cook it & help you eat it !!!!!!
I dont know if I am as crazy as Andrew Zimmer & would eat some of the stuff he has chocked down on his TV show , but I would need to be there to see if I would try to eat it , the stinky tofu was just way more that I could have done .I think, I love tofu , but when it is that bad I think I will pass .
I didnt get to see the Grandsons much at all this past week, & saturday they went to kennywood park for the day , roller coasters & Corn dogs were all on the agenda so I was relagated to dog sitting , , I went in & they BIG SOB was sleeping on the couch, never got up when I walked in, I guess he was having a good dream , so we spent the next 2 hours out side in the warm sun & cool shade, I sat in a chair,the boss inside the house as not to have the dog pestering her as she was reading the paper & I sat under the tree in the shade with a cigar 7 a mug of coffee & the Mutt marked every corner of the yard, HEY THIS IS MY PLACE< ALL YOU LESSER DOGS STAY OUT !!! , , a few milk bones & a couple quarts of water, a long strech & a nap it was time for me to go & him to go back in the house, so I opened the door & he ran in chasing the last milk bone & with that I closed the door & left him to tear up the place , I havet talked to my daughter yet this morning so I have no idea waht kind of mess he left her last night hahahahaha
well I am all out of Coffee & need to make an other pot , looks like it will be a 2 pot KONA morning & I have a Nice Casa Fuente Robusto instead of the Don Carlos #3
same pair of pants just a differnt pocket !!!!!!
thats about all I have this morning , maybe some thing will hit my brain later who knows ! Enjoy, Vince
if you need directions just yell !, as far as the red zen, welll it might over power the delicate veal, thats why I will go with the asti
the veal was GREAT
Good Morning it is Sunday 17 August 2008, A fantastic day here in da burgh , this past week has been super, highs in the Mid 70's , lows in the mid 50's , dont need to run the A/C, keep the windows open all night & we havent had any rain in a few weeks , the grass is burning out so it isnt in the need of being cut, just an all arround good patch of weather we are having ! I have the house to my self today, the Boss went to some craft show with her sister, so I know of 2 households that will be nice & QUIET today hahahaha I put a full week in at the shop & will be going in a little today just to clean & fill the humidors with water, & maybe have a weeee dram when I am there , Now i could have a weee dram here , but its a lot better when there is some one to talk to .................. the only time i drink is when i am with some one or am alone, hahahaha but the conversation is a lot better when there is some one to talk to , welllllll it will depend on WHO your talking to , some times the wall is better than a person hahahaha Since the boss is away for the day i have a pot of peppers onions & beef going in the slow cooker , should be ready about 5 PM , I will add some vine ripe tomatos about 1 & let it all cook down , time to add the 3 whole heads of garlic , & a dash of worchertshire , by the time I add the tomatos the garlic will have melted into the beef & peppers adding a Perfume to the house & adding to the potency of the gas I will be passing in the morning hahahaha I didnt do much of anything this week, just work, well its realy not work, but it is a fun time , if you enjoy what you do you will never WORK a day in your life & let me tell you , what i do is NOT W O R K , when I was cooking , it was work some times , but some times it was not, when I was on 1460 WMBA Radio is was not all work , & now that I am out selling cigars, smoking cigars , sipping single malt & drinking coffee & listening to Jazz all day & GETTING Paid ( BUT NOT ALL THAT MUCH , but at this point inmy life WHO CARES !! ) to do it , dammmmm how much better can it be ??? I havent seen any action in the cow pasture this past week, dammmm I miss ole angus McStudd , ever since he was sold the pasture just isnt the same with out him, yea there are a few little ones running around but not as many or as big as the sons & daughters of the Studd machine !, & the Cows dont seam as " satisfide" any more hahahahaha the Bird have been eating everything in sight the raspberry bush was tore up by the whrens & chickadees , the cardinals, bluejays & doves have been leaving deposits on my windshield & the back deck , some times I wish we didnt have the Bird feeder, but then they are a kick to watch & listen to them sing all day, execpt for the dammmm DOVES loud & horney bastards , I think they try to hump more than ole angus did ( for you new readers angus mcstudd was the Bull in the pasture next to my place , & he was the KING of his harium, world champ, & studd to the rich & famous in the cattle breading world ) but he is now living on through his Frozen Sperm as he was sold a few years back , Tuffest tenderloin I ever had hahahahaha we stocked a few new brands this week, Sun grown Don Tomas & a 6 X60 Partagas black lable, , I love the par.Black lable but I dont want lock jaw so I will pass on the 6 x x60 , thank you BUT NO thank you , just to Big for me , now a 8.5 X 52 , I am all over that , a 54 some times , but unless its a tapered head, nothing bigger than that, I am verrrry happy with a 45 to 50 ring , SAM you hear that, how about a NUB with a 50 ring ? hahahaha ( Yea like Sam will be reading this ) hahaha This past Thursday night I did venture out to Mountaineer park for a 10 cane rum & Rocky Patel tasting , a great buffette with a lot of island classics , the Mango salsa was a killer, tasty & sweet at first bite then the F I R E hits you just as you swallow it , dammmmmmmmm I have beads of persperation on my forehead just thinking about it again !!! Nextthursday will be a tasting at Alleghney Smoke works in Blawnox Pa , just north east of the Burgh , I am north west , so I will be heading theree ,a Talasker single malt, chocolate & Ashton cigars , dammmmmmm I am ALL OVER THAT , I will be taking my old buddy Mike Papas , he isnt a scotch drinker, So I get his ! hahaha , yea like I need any more whisky to add to what I all ready sip, , I do ENJOY a wee dram , never to excess, thats just waisting good booze, it seams to me if you want the effect, dring the cheep crap & get sick all you want , but leave the smoooooth as a babys bottom for as Sippers who enjoy the taste & not the effect, like some DUSHBAG ordering a 150 year old Brandy & mixing it with orange soda , hey just because the moey is there dosent mean you have any taste or class hahahaha , , well I dont have that kind of money or class, but I do have the diserning taste to know you just dont mix a 150 year old brandy with orange soda , or ANYTHING, , neet in a snifter warmed with your hands & savored with a Fine cigar, Not filled with ice & smoked with a swisher sweet ,,,, dammmm rich bastards just piss me off hahahaha well it is time for the next pot of coffee, the Kona is now making way for the Kenya AA , or maybe the Columbian supremo , well I have a Casa Fuente this morning so I might just fire up a pot of Brazillian Santos or a New Orleans Community coffee ................... well maybe a second pot of KONA , YEA KONA !! A G A I N !!!! Enjoy, Vince