I have been smoking an "Ancient Warrior" for about 3 hours now....

...and it is only half over. Stays lit with a great ash. Surprisingly mild but with a lot of smoke. Easy draw and good flavor. This is a Gurkha, right..?
Want to put it down and get ready for bed but I am afraid it will suck out all the air in the universe...
Want to put it down and get ready for bed but I am afraid it will suck out all the air in the universe...
id be bored out of my mind at that pont.
Least I could do, after all, I picked it up.
But I am still surprised at how good a smoke it was, I mean, its a Gurkha and every Gurkha I have smoked has been a disappointment.
I like Oliva and Quesada (including Regius) a lot. I will smoke anything, though.
1 year and 3 months is about how long it takes me to finish a bottle of Scotch, perfect timing.
Oh for pity's sake...I picked up the cigar....it was attached to the universe.
It ended up being over 4 hours and it was a total pleasure all the way.
Plan a long afternoon in a quiet place and cool weather, when you are just relaxing and reflecting on good things. I kept putting it down for longer and longer periods and it never failed to stay lit. Since I am now forewarned I will plan, the next time, a long sit on the porch with my outside dogs and a really big ice tea. It will be one of life's better moments.
maduro wrapper, PM your address for a sample!
<br. The next one I smoke will be planned around a long day.