Movie Reviews

I'm posting this for I would like to know what other BOTL's have actually SEEN and why I would want to see it....
I'll start...
If you are Adrenaline deficient and you have a love for gore than may I suggest RAMBO...
No story line, crappy plot and shltty storyline....
But Godddamn some of the craziest ACTION I have seen in awhile... truly a shoot 'em up to the exreme
*End Post*
I'll start...
If you are Adrenaline deficient and you have a love for gore than may I suggest RAMBO...
No story line, crappy plot and shltty storyline....
But Godddamn some of the craziest ACTION I have seen in awhile... truly a shoot 'em up to the exreme
*End Post*
By the way, a movie reviews thread is totally my gig. I'm a movie fanatic, and a big critic... Don't have anything to add right now, but I'll keep this in mind..
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
To get the "fresh off the mind" review... "Didya like it or not!"
Wednesday night movie on the couch with some homemade popcorn.
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
Transformers 2: 7/10 (so why was Optimus Prime such a *** in the first movie?)
Terminator Salvation: 4/10 (first 15 minutes were great, barfing after that. Embarrassment to the franchise)
Star Trek: 8/10 (I was surprised. Very well done.)
GI Joe: 5/10 (yes, it's GI Joe, but hollywood's cookie cutting recipe for action is so old. Last battle scene is Return of the Jedi under water. Snake Eyes is a pimp)
Recent Movie Rentals:
Into the Wild: 7/10 (Good flick. Touches your soul)
Evan Almighty: 6/10 (Meh.)
The Kingdom: 8/10 (Very good. Good story, action, and cinematography)
Mr. Brooks: 9/10 (Excellent Thiller)
P.S. I love you: 5/10 (Typical chick flick. The wife liked it)
Elizabeth I & II: 8/10 (Cate Blanchett is an awesome actress. Great movies. Good lines. "My **** wear my colors!" hells yeah.)
The Pursuit of Happyness: 9/10 (Another homerun for Will Smith. Great movie)
Monster: 9/10 (Holy ***.)
WIN ;-)
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
How they went in to sell the new Megan Fox movie. Not sure whats its called off the top of my head. I bet all the guy did was walk in and go, "Megan Fox in underwear making out with another chick." "SOLD!!!"
i saw that movie and thought it was about what it feels like to be governed... from all angles.
Wikus was supposed to be in control but isnt because he is being governed from above, and in a way from below by the people he was leading.
the Prawn with the space ship was being governed by the MNU
iduno... maybe its all the dystopian lit ive been reading but thats how i looked at it.
one of the best lines in that entire movie was when the Prawn was outside his house getting questioned and he tells Wikus to stay away from his child.
that kinda hit home to me. all dictators go after the children and use them as pawns in one way or another.
Good points, definitely see the governed form all angles portion on the movie.
My initial gut reaction was that it was more pointed toward a critique on humans,sects,nations,governments, and maybe the world as a whole in how they react to difficult situations with massive political undertones. I.E. the so called "Palestinian Refuges", the issues in Dafar, and any other humanitarian situations. Basically that people and their governments sometimes overlook the human side of the story due to the political difficulties/ramifications. That's enough ranting.
Loved the movie by the way great drama with some sci-fi to keep it interesting.
Best action movie I've seen in a long time was Taken. Defiance was also very good. As for a comedy, Hangover was one of the funniest movies I've seen in a long, long time..."He's yanking his little weenus."
We pretty much have the same taste in movies...
TAKEN is the craziest and most BADASS, well-written movie that I have seen in a LOOOOOONG time!
And I quote "The Hangover" almost everyday.... that movie ranks up there with Old School or Dumb and Dumberer....
I really want to catch "the hurt locker" looks fantastic!
and another vote for star trek, I am a big star trek fan, but I dont think you need to be to appreciate this movie. I was absolutely blown away, left the theater with goosebumps, that has never happend to me. the casting was PERFECT. the story line was REALLY gutsy, they took a huge risk of pissing off a LOT of star trek fans. but the way they did it I think was perfectly acceptable. I will be buying this movie the day it comes out on dvd.