HCM Beads

in Cigar 101
Anybody ever heard of these beads or used them? According to the website they control the humidity at 65%. This is the website http://www.shilalasbeads.com/usinghcmbeads.aspx
I'm new to this and enjoying my cigars enough that I dont want to waste money by not taking care of them properly. Between Boveda, Xikar Humidifier Solution and Humi-Care crystals I'm lost. Any thoughts or input is appreciated.
I'm new to this and enjoying my cigars enough that I dont want to waste money by not taking care of them properly. Between Boveda, Xikar Humidifier Solution and Humi-Care crystals I'm lost. Any thoughts or input is appreciated.
I have personally never heard of the beads, myself.
Where are my manners? Welcome to the forum.
I've never heard of that product. However, there are at least a few previous discussion threads on it.
Thanks for the additional links I'll read into them.
I've been smoking some cigars for a couple of months now. At least one a day. I used to smoke a pack and a half a day. Gave it up almost 2 years ago but missed it. Anytime I tried to have a cig it would make me sick. So I started smoking cigars. I usually dive in head first on things and this forum has been giving me a lot of info.
be sure and take your time seasoning and doing itright, youll have a rock solid rh later and will have no worries.
Thank you Royln for bringing this up again because I need to make a broader apology to the whole forum. I'm sorry I jumped him right off the bat. I feel bad about it. I really wish I hadn't. Believe it or not I also hate to see new guys get jumped on. I actually feel like new guys should be treated with a lot of patience and kindness but I didn't do that. I just assumed the worst of him. It won't happen again.
I got another question. What is with the cat litter? Do you use it with somekind of humidifier and it absorbs the excess humidity? How does it properly regulate the RH?