I don't remember what the original post was about but us and our ADD kicked in. Some how the flash show BadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadger, Mushroom mushroom mushroom mushroom. It can be found on Weebles.com. Not exactly how we got off topic but sure enough we did.
I don't remember what the original post was about but us and our ADD kicked in. Some how the flash show BadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadger, Mushroom mushroom mushroom mushroom. It can be found on Weebles.com. Not exactly how we got off topic but sure enough we did.
Thanks Clearly...unfortunately, you now owe me 2 minutes and 54 seconds. Please deliver asap.
You got lucky, the old video on ebaums used to keep going in a loop until you stopped it.
I don't feel lucky! That video is another example of why the interwebs continue to fascinate me. If Al Gore hadn't invented it, we'd never have the magic of the badger mushroom snake song. WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
Thanks Clearly...unfortunately, you now owe me 2 minutes and 54 seconds. Please deliver asap.
You got lucky, the old video on ebaums used to keep going in a loop until you stopped it.
I don't feel lucky! That video is another example of why the interwebs continue to fascinate me. If Al Gore hadn't invented it, we'd never have the magic of the badger mushroom snake song. WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
go to badgerbadgerbadger.com much better quality there, and it just loops you can watch it for hours!!!! while youre there check out the hanah babara link at the top of the page, those are pricleless
Now that's just messed up! I only ruined 2:54 seconds of your time! You now owe me 1/6 of an hour! Minus the 3 minutes I owe you of course! Now do something funny!
R-man the hannah barbarra voice overs were tottally awesome ..... almost all of them are favorite movies , as a matter of fact the pulp fiction skit used to be my voicemail ....... can you imagine .... they disbelief of people trying to leave me a message ....
R-man the hannah barbarra voice overs were tottally awesome ..... almost all of them are favorite movies , as a matter of fact the pulp fiction skit used to be my voicemail ....... can you imagine .... they disbelief of people trying to leave me a message ....
Hahahah awesome! If I was more ballsy I would put it as my voicemail too.. For now Darth Vader is fine... haahahh
Badgerbadger has NOTHING on the gummi song... I can't believe this has the second most views all time on youtube. Since I don't know how to link, here ya go:
OK... since I still owe some of you some time, I thought I'd repay you with something I've always enjoyed. Say hello to Foamy the Squirrel. I highly recommend the "Small, Medium, and Large"
Foamy Squirrel helped open my eyes to "what is it I really want out of a cup of joe?" I usually order imine medium just to see them get their panties in a knot. It's alwlays fun!.... wow.... I sure have spent many sleepless nights because of eBaums world! The old lost episodes of the Smurfs are my favorite! LoL
I can't badger believe I actually badger watched that mushroom thing again, knowing badger full well that it was a badger waste of my time; yet I did it anyway. Snake.
Foamy Squirrel helped open my eyes to "what is it I really want out of a cup of joe?" I usually order imine medium just to see them get their panties in a knot. It's alwlays fun!.... wow.... I sure have spent many sleepless nights because of eBaums world! The old lost episodes of the Smurfs are my favorite! LoL
Aaaaahhhh.... that's awesome! I do the same thing. And I make it a point to say it just like Foamy. I want a MEDIUM cappacino!
I don't remember what the original post was about but us and our ADD kicked in. Some how the flash show BadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadgerBadger, Mushroom mushroom mushroom mushroom. It can be found on Weebles.com. Not exactly how we got off topic but sure enough we did.
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
big spoon
Welcome to the playground boys!
Foamy The Squirrel
Foamy The Squirrel
Foamy The Squirrel
"Oh, they took my freakin kidney!"