This amazing garlic showed up today! I really look forward to this stuff every year! We go through a ton of garlic in my house, and store bought has 0 flavor compared to this amazing home grown stuff. Smells so good and potent! Thank you!
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give". Winston Churchill. MOW badge received.
I made a trade with @Patrickbrick I know he loves garlic and I had a good crop this year so I sent him a few heads. Well, he decided to bomb the heck out of me with his side of the trade. I knew I was in trouble when a medium size priority mailbox showed up! TYVM! This is far from over my friend!
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt
I got my toe jammers sent back from Milwaukee herf compliments of, the one and only, @peter4jc AND of course some bodyguards. Also, I might add, an extremely awesome nubber. 🤙🏼. Thanks Peter, you’re too kind buddy.
@peter4jc said:
A 10-pack of MF CT's. That would be great except I ordered the MF No.1's.
We'll see if Hiland's lets me keep the CT's or makes me send them back.
I got the same thing from CigarPage, but when I checked my order said CT’s. Damn bourbon
A good cigar and whiskey solve most problems.
You know what they say, Wade, "You are what you smoke." LOL

I received a “love” tap from @d_blades.

Nice surprise, Thank you!
Hope you enjoy them.
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.
The ole woman brought home this great selection today that came from @OutdoorsSmoke_21191

Thank you Jeff, it’s greatly appreciated!
Came home from a long weekend in Michigan to find this! Thank you very much Rodger! This is absolutely beautiful!

That is badass
A good cigar and whiskey solve most problems.
Jeff thank you very much for the bomb a true gentleman. This kind gesture will not be forgotten
Jim I hope you enjoy them. 🤙🏼
A good cigar and whiskey solve most problems.
I got another bestie
Congrats, Looks sweet and smart, but has that old soul face. What's his/her personal pronoun? And name--Rover, Fido, Doorknob, Honda?
His name is Edward! So it's alittle spooky you're the first one to comment.
^^^ some people just don't know when to stop.
This amazing garlic showed up today! I really look forward to this stuff every year! We go through a ton of garlic in my house, and store bought has 0 flavor compared to this amazing home grown stuff. Smells so good and potent! Thank you!
MOW badge received.
I made a trade with @Patrickbrick I know he loves garlic and I had a good crop this year so I sent him a few heads. Well, he decided to bomb the heck out of me with his side of the trade. I knew I was in trouble when a medium size priority mailbox showed up! TYVM! This is far from over my friend!
My girlfriend’s son gave me a new zippo for Father’s Day.
Ten of these little guys.

I got my toe jammers sent back from Milwaukee herf compliments of, the one and only, @peter4jc AND of course some bodyguards. Also, I might add, an extremely awesome nubber. 🤙🏼. Thanks Peter, you’re too kind buddy.
A good cigar and whiskey solve most problems.
Rats! I forgot the dadgum Bandaids!
A good cigar and whiskey solve most problems.
A 10-pack of MF CT's. That would be great except I ordered the MF No.1's.
We'll see if Hiland's lets me keep the CT's or makes me send them back.
I got the same thing from CigarPage, but when I checked my order said CT’s. Damn bourbon
My favorite cigar list here