RCY Cigars and Jim aka Bigshizza just bombed the crap outta me! I just wanted to try an LP cigar and the El Titan de Bronze Redemption Maduro and these two amazing BOTL hit me BIG TIME! There will be retaliation... oh yess....
Man, I almost missed this. I was going to send you a pm. Glad they got there,
Just enjoy!! Lmk how the El Titan de Bronze is..
And ask the June Bug how to take un-fuzzy photos....LOL
did you see the pics I took for Greg's end of the trade? I mean wow. like WOW. pat on my back
yeah i got bombed my first week here, then i picked up a sampler and a few sticks while checking out the shops around town. yeah theres 2 alec bradleys in there a MAXX (something i can't remember) and a Tempus. Don't know much about any of them but the MAXX one smells really good!
RCY Cigars and Jim aka Bigshizza just bombed the crap outta me! I just wanted to try an LP cigar and the El Titan de Bronze Redemption Maduro and these two amazing BOTL hit me BIG TIME! There will be retaliation... oh yess....
Man, I almost missed this. I was going to send you a pm. Glad they got there,
Just enjoy!! Lmk how the El Titan de Bronze is..
And ask the June Bug how to take un-fuzzy photos....LOL
did you see the pics I took for Greg's end of the trade? I mean wow. like WOW. pat on my back
Got actually on Saturday, Greg decided to put me in my place, and treat me like his prison ****, Very generous selection and truely amazing gifts from the one and only Greg2648 Limited Maddy Oliva V and well you can see!!
Got couple boxes of cigar and my fourth of July liquor order is also here while on vacation. I am just too tired to open the boxes. It is a great feeling to be back in normal life. Cheers!!!
Nice pickup Andrew. I love the Diademas that come in that sampler. Picked up 2 from ccom march madness 2010 and cracked the first one earlier this year...time is very good to the Serie V.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
I look at it that I am paying for length of smoke.... not length of cigar.
My wife tells me the same thing.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Here is a thread that shows how to do it.
How to format your posts [Now with Emoticons aka Smilies]
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Limited Maddy Oliva V and well you can see!!
Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial Limited Edition 2012, Couple Old School LFD Chisel, Holiday Blend 2011
Congrats bro!!!!!!