Humidor Hell

in Cigar 101
I dip my clean sponge in Poland Spring Distilled Water, squeeze the sponge to release most of the water to keep it damp, place a small riped plastic bag below the sponge which is placed inside my humidor. After two days of that being in there, I open the humidor and take out my sponge.
the **** humidity leaves the humidor and my hydrometer which started at 80% humidity before I took out my sponge, rapidly dips to 70% to 60% after a minute after the humidor was open for 10 secs.
How do I make the humidity just stay consistently between the golden range of 65%-73% humidity?
the **** humidity leaves the humidor and my hydrometer which started at 80% humidity before I took out my sponge, rapidly dips to 70% to 60% after a minute after the humidor was open for 10 secs.
How do I make the humidity just stay consistently between the golden range of 65%-73% humidity?
Should I take my sponge out right now and place my cigars? Or take out my sponge and leave the humidor closed for 24hrs?
Are you telling me in order for the humidity to stay consistently in the golden range, I should immediately dump my cigars inside as soon as I remove my sponge? That way the humidity is circulating from the walls to the cigars or something along those lines?
simply put... bring the humi up to 80 and let it sit there for a few days. this is more just to get the cedar inside to absorb the moisture. After a few days you may now add your cigars. place your hygro back in the box and allow to sit for 12 hours. Then check your hygro reading. It may again be back up to 80, or it may swing rather low, These are your tuning indicators.
from here it depends on what your using in your humi to control your humidity. i cant really suggest what direction you should take in "tuning" your humidity until we all know what medium your planning on using for moisture.
So let the sponge stay put inside the humidor for...let's say three more days? What if the hygro swings to the low 60's again after I take my sponge out?
What do you mean by "tuning" my humidor?
If it swings to 60% and kinda hovers there for a few days thats an OK thing. It means the box has some moisture in it and the cigars are helping it along. 60% and above is generally alright for a week or so when getting the box started.
So lets say it has held at 60% for a day or two... GREAT! we know its pretty much working, now we can begin to 'Tune" the box. By tuning, I mean adding or subtracting the amount of humidifacation media your using to get your target %. So if its too low, add a small amount of media and give the box another 12 hours. re-check and see where it sits. if it is too high, remove some media and let sit for 12 hours. thats what i mean by tuning.
So for EXAMPLE: My 100 count Humi.
I began by placing the sponge just like you inside. allowed to sit for 3 days. when i opened the box, it read 85%. I added about 50 Cigars and I added 2 half used 72% boveda packs. I close and let sit for 12 hours. I return and check my hygro.... it reads 63%. Okay, so the box and cigars are still absorbing some moisture, lets add ONE more Boveda 72% packet. allow to sit for 12 hours. re-check the box again... now it reads 70%! Perfect! I am withing my target range of 71%to 68%. In my Humi, I use Boveda Packets to add moisture, There are many many differnt ways. You can use Boveda, or Cat Litter, Gel, Poly Alky, beads, foam puck, or wick. Just depends on what you like and how much you want to spend.
I hope that helps!
I already have a humidification device..the black puck which came along with the humidor
I agree that the hygro and puck r cheap. For now, I'll keep em inside. When I head to the cigar shop, I purchase a new puck, hygro, and...according to many post...a Boveda Pack.
Which boveda pack, has me perplexed...