LFD Double Claro?

I've enjoyed every LFD I've tried so far, and a friend was recently trumpeting the virtues of the candela wrapper. I know there was a thread about these a while back, but nobody ever seemed to get around to posting an actual review.
Anybody tried this stick? What was your impression? Doesn't look like CCOM carries them. Anybody know where to get them?
Anybody tried this stick? What was your impression? Doesn't look like CCOM carries them. Anybody know where to get them?
"When I have found intense pain relieved, a weary brain soothed, and calm, refreshing sleep obtained by a cigar, I have felt grateful to God, and have blessed His name." - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
side note: PD, glad to see you revived from that "death blow" hit... glad to see the EMTs in your area are cabal workers.
My friend who was touting candela wrappers is not a trend follower. He's been into cigars for many years, and really prefers the candela over the currently popular brown wrappers. I couldn't really engage him in discussion/debate because I've never tried the candela. When I saw this LFD stick, I thought if there would be a candela worth sampling, this might be it. Hopefully there are some folks here that have tried it and can offer their impressions here.
When I track one down, I'll post my thoughts as well.