
in Cigar 101
During our move I lost my precious humidor. Now I am thinking about using a very large cooler. I would keep my cigars in their cedar boxes. It will probably only be half full, maybe. Do I need to fill the rest of the space with empty cedar boxes? Wanna makes sure I use enough cedar! Also does a cooler get more humid then a cedar humidor?
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KLMOW Badge 8/2014
Team Trident 2014
This has got to be wrong, a 150 qt cooler for $20?
Our 150 Quart White Cooler rental is an essential party accessory that can be used to keep drinks or food cool for your guests all through your party or event.
I got fooled because Google Shopping had a reasonable buy price for that site.
Walmart usually has good prices on coolers.
I told the wife "if this is real I'm buying two and not for cigars"
Then 👀