Cigar Dogs
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How many out there have cigar dogs? I have had a lot of dogs over the years ( 67). My dad was a small animal vet so we had dogs as far back as I can remember. Trixie, Cloie, Water Buddy, Chief,Peter Lake, Sam, Edwina, Gypsy, Molly ,Cleo, and now only one, Lady. Lady is a five year old Border Collie/ Mountian Fiest mix we rescued from the animal shelter. I think Lady enjoys cigars because when I fire up she sits right by my feet. So, you guys got dogs?
One is black with rotty markings and the other is tan with more of a shepherd look. The black one is 123 ponds and the tan one is 95. They both think they are lap dogs!
"I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke ever last one of 'em." - Ron White
I have a Schnoodle and a mutt with probably some Silkie in her. Many of you know that I use to have a Bichon-Poodle mix Earl who was my Herf Dog, he'd sit on my lap while I smoked cigars. Neither of my two dogs will do that, Leah my Silkie will get on my lap but won't stay long when I'm smoking. She does keep me company, though.
When I'm out back on the patio, she'll curl up on the pad under the table next to my chair and I can reach down and pet her while she keeps me company and keeps an eye on the yard. She stays inside with the rest of the family when it gets too cold.
Recently I've set up a docking station for my work laptop in the garage so I can smoke a pipe or cigar while I work. When I smoke a pipe, the smell is not too bad so I keep the big garage door closed and open the side door into the alley. I'd bring Leah out with me and put a towel down for her to lay on, but she'd go inside and when she wanted to come back out would bark or scratch on the door. I started this just a few days ago and today she figured out that if she wants to see me she can just go out the doggie door into the back yard and come in the garage from the side door so she'll come and go, mostly sticking by my side, but going inside when she wants.
I'm glad she figured that out, she's smarter than I originally gave her credit for.
Jax is my herf dog. This time of year we go for a ride every morning. I smoke a cigar and drink coffee while he sleeps in the back seat. He lays on the patio at night while I smoke (not always in this pose)
Donald stupid lab
I will soon
A good cigar and whiskey solve most problems.
The obstacle is the way.
Apollo looks like he's looking for a cigar of his own, Bill.
More like…’two coolers and no more damn beer?’
A good cigar and whiskey solve most problems.
Good catch @OutdoorsSmoke_21191 ! They were drying out after holding copious amounts of PA IPA!
The obstacle is the way.
The obstacle is the way.
He looks like a good boy.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
@ShawnOL He’s one of the guys. A real dogs dog. How do I pm you?
The obstacle is the way.
Click on @ShawnOL to navigate to his profile page and click on message.
(Side note - when sending messages, be certain you are sending a message rather than posting to a member's "wall". The wall is public, the PMs are private.)
What’s up Jax?!
The obstacle is the way.
If I had a dog again it would be that model, what breed is it?
I'm a big fan of setter/golden mixes. Had one as a kid. Best dog ever.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
He is a mutt we rescued as a puppy. Owner said he was labradoodle and Rhodesian ridgeback, we had a DNA test done and it said golden retriever/pit bull/poodle/etc. everyone (including our vet) swears it is a wolf hound except he is only 85pounds. All we know is his mother was a **** apparently. Great dog though
A good cigar and whiskey solve most problems.
Miniature Australian Shepherd…just like the big version but in a tiny package. My wife’s dog…he’s growing on me. He likes to try and herd my GSD when playing ball 😂😂
A good cigar and whiskey solve most problems.