
in Cigar 101
I'm getting married in a month and was wondering what everyone thought was the best cigars to buy? Looking to purchase around 30-40 cigars? Any suggestions appreciated.
Say more about that you want and expect, who is coming, how much you want to spend and so forth and we can help you figure out a good plan.
Life is too short to smoke bad cigars!!!
Oh when the Blues, Oh when the Blues, Oh when the Blues go marching in!
If budget is no issue then I would go with Padron. (and also invite me)
I've provided cigars at gatherings before. It's fun, but you probably won't get as much participation as you may expect. Don't over-think it. Just remember to enjoy yourself.
Good luck and congratulations.
However, you've given nowhere near enough info for anyone to recommend something.
Are you a cigar smoker yourself?
Are your/her friends/families cigar smokers?
Perhaps her Dad? or brother?
I mean, why cigars?
That may sound strange to those of us who hang out here, of course we would have cigars, they're integral to who we are.
But what about you?
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
This might be my favorite single brand suggestion so far. Decent price, solid construction, nice flavors, and very very good presentation.
The longer this thread goes on, the more suggestions you'll get and if it becomes too much to choose from.....
..... go with matkn's suggestion Since you're "new to the cigar world and not really sure what size or style" --- this may be your best bet. The folks at CCOM are experts and will do you right. Shoot them an e-mail or give a call, tell them your situation --- budget, the occasion, number of cigars you need, etc. and they will hook you up.
and congrats on the upcoming celebration.
stick around this place if you decide to keep with cigars. lots of good info, people, and conversations here.
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
This is the best suggestion in the thread. However, I would modify it slightly to say 3x3, the tubo makes it look "pricier".