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Puro Indios Viejo

HeavyHeavy Posts: 1,591 ✭✭✭
What are everyone's thoughts on this cigar? I didn't see anything about it on the first couple pages of the review forum, so I figured I'd ask here. The blitz looks too good to pass up, I'm just a hesitant to buy a bunch of cigars that I've never tried before. Do you guys love it, hate it, or eh whatever? Anything you would compare it to?


  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    I have heard not so nice things about this cigar...might wanna do a search under the Ratings and Reviews.

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • rwheelwrightrwheelwright Posts: 3,296
    I bought a bunch of the torpedos and have yet to try them. Soon though. If I don't like them, them they are cheap enough to give out.
  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    I bought a bunch of the torpedos and have yet to try them. Soon though. If I don't like them, them they are cheap enough to give out.
    Yeah, I have some of those Torp's. as well. I also have burned thru several of these bundles and I like these sticks, and for the price?... c'mon.

    There has been some discussion of these sticks before, but I can only remember Maddy as a person who didn't care for them.

    I know I will be jumping on 1 or 2 of these.
  • TGOTGO Posts: 340 ✭✭
    They have a typical Reyes family flavor profile... I have the maduros and like them... they are more of a morning stick to me and somewhere south of medium. All Reyes lines seem to have a consistancy in regard to the profile... some do not like any reyes cigars, I am inclined to most all of their sticks I have tried YMMV
  • JZJZ Posts: 827
    I wrote a review on this particular cigar over the summer. I really do not like this cigar. I only smoke a very small portion and then retired it to the yard. The draw was loose, it tasted harsh and looked bad. I bought a bundle of 20. The color difference from stick to stick was actually quite funny. I nearly glued them to a vest to make some camoflauge! I returned them and got a refund. Everyone needs to make their own opinion and I certainly don't want to cost Cigar.com any potential business. I would suggest trying 1 and not getting stuck with 20 if your intriqued. The deal certainly seems attractive but if you remember 1 important thing, quality is more important than quantity then you won't go wrong.
  • Cole54Cole54 Posts: 18
    When I very first started out I smoked a lot of these, I liked them a lot then, now they are w/e... I don't hate them like many do, how ever I don't love them either.
  • nickgonzonickgonzo Posts: 146
    I tried the regular line of Puros indios and did not care for them. I recved a Viejo in a trade once and smoked it, as other people have mentioned they have their particular flavor profile. Personally I find them to be a little bleh. I blame the placebo effect...... or something hahaha
  • manjimanji Posts: 28
    I went ahead and purchased a bundle of the Toro, Maduro's. My thinking is to have these available when I have friends over that don't smoke cigars often. You all know the ones, grind it in the ashtray after 3-4 puffs. Should work great for them. i personally have never had one. Really looking forward to them after reading this thread. LoL.
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Posts: 3,023 ✭✭
    I am going to give them a try for 29.99. I do enjoy a wide range of flavor profiles and the very least I will smoke them up at work and save my good sticks if they are not good.
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Posts: 3,023 ✭✭
    Well after trying some of the Puros Indios I don't know why there would be any negative comments on them. They have smoked beautiful and had great flavor. What else do you need.
  • I bought some for a trip to deer camp. The family members I go with don't smoke cigars often, I didn't want to waste my good ones, so I couldn't pass this deal up.
  • nickgonzonickgonzo Posts: 146
    Well after trying some of the Puros Indios I don't know why there would be any negative comments on them. They have smoked beautiful and had great flavor. What else do you need.
    This is what is awesome about our hobby (obsession??) is that there will not be one smoke that pleases everyone. I'm glad you enjoy them! Peace, Nick
  • I really enjoy the Viejo. It's a daily smoke for me. The taste, fit in the hand and mouth, and smooth draw are what keeps me going to them. I've only smoked the maduro viejo, so I can't speak for any of the other Puros Indios smokes.
  • I've gone through several bundles of the toro sized, Sumatra wrapped Viejos and like them as a pleasent daily cigar. I will be ordering the maduro version soon to give them a try. For a $2 stoogie they can't be beat (IMHO). They may have a bit of inconsistancy in color and texture, but all of the ones I have recieved have been well constructed and have burned well. Give 'em a try, even at the regular price they are a good deal! Cheers!
  • tony ctony c Posts: 16
    I just burned one of theses today, sitting out by the pool and reading...I really enjoyed it. I got it thru a PIF on Puff.com
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Posts: 4,317
    Just had my first one of these... honestly they're good. I kinda liked it. Might have to pick up a few more.
  • HeavyHeavy Posts: 1,591 ✭✭✭
    Well guys, I obviously didn't pick up the blitz a couple of weeks ago, but was intriuged enough to pick up a couple sticks anyway. Like many said, there's not much to lose for the price. I should have them in by Monday but will give em at least a month to rest before I try one. I'll definitely revive this thread after I enjoy one to throw in my $.02. BTW - I can't believe this thread by a little ol n00b like myself has kept going. Helped my decision to pick up a few -- with this much input (good, bad and indifferent), I figured 'might as well'. Thanks to all for your input!

    Oh yeah, I picked up the maduros.
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