CAO Pipe tobacco VS. CAO Flavorz Cigars

in Pipes
How do the flavor profiles compare between the two? They have the same "flavor" names but how does the tobacco stack up to whats you put in your pipe?
Life is like a blind fiver. You never know what you're gonna get.
"I'm at the point in my life where if it doesn't taste good,I'm not putting it in my mouth"
The Moontrance is better as the cigar, in a pipe it doesnt reflect the same qualitys as the cigar. Just doesnt "pop" with that coconut/fruit aroma in the pipe, and to me it taste like PG and vanilla with bourbon aroma.
Cherry Bomb is fantastic in the pipe. Here this blend cooks well in the pipe and taste very true too its name just wonderful. The Cigar i find slightly off, but as in a more cigar way then a just flavor way and its still pretty good just more cigar like. The downside I find to Cherry Bomb is that you really need to dedicate a pipe to this blend. It can ghost hard and taint everything else after a run with it. Plus the finished pipe has that lingering aroma that just smells aweful to me. A cooked Cherry Bomb Pipe stays outside once done!
"I'm at the point in my life where if it doesn't taste good,I'm not putting it in my mouth"
If you truly like the blend, buy a nice pipe that you use just for that, A nice baraccini would fit this bill pretty well.
Something else I learned with Aros, is that they have a longer pipe recovery time. You should always let your pipe rest after smoking to allow it to dry out, and strong aros or goopy ones really take a few good days to dry back out so that you get a good smoke. Smoke it wet, and the flavor will sour half bowl. I have several cobs per each aro class, 3 or 4 for vanilla/ chocolate/mocha/coffee blends , 3 or 4 for cherry/ bright fruit blends, 2 or 3 for wine/bourbon/whiskey blends. This gives you time to smoke your blend fairly regularly and still allow for some drying time by rotating the collection.
I will say that most aros. goop but some do not. My favorite cherry blend, SG Celtic Talisman, smokes very dry. I have time and time again smoked a bowl immediately while the bowl is still warm dumped the ash and reloaded with the second bowl still dry at the bottom. There are some high quality aros. out there like that but you do pay a premium for them.
"I'm at the point in my life where if it doesn't taste good,I'm not putting it in my mouth"