Surprised by aj!!

The new world robusto was a solid not normal aj stick! It was a ton lighter on pepper and more earthy then any aj I have had rott. I was really pleased with the cigar over all and would recommend it for a must try. I think with age it would become a much better smoke but only time will tell
Money can't buy taste
im usually most let down by the first inch of an AJ cigar and then it grows on me as it goes along.
in fact, he would probably be my favorite blender by a long way if the first inch wasnt so spicy in almost all of his blends and if in general they were a bit more mild.
grain of salt though. I like mild and medium cigars best. i can see what he is going for and i respect the complexity in many of his blends but its usually too much for me.
ill have to check this one out.
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