Just wanted to wish everyone a happy Halloween! This is usually one of my favorite holidays, but I am stuck working tonight so I hope you all have a good time and be safe guys! Make sure it's a safe holiday for all of us!
"Long ashes my friends."
The big family get togethers are nice but honestly with the hours me and the wife work sometimes a smaller meal would be more welcome and more of a celebration of thanksgiving of/with each other and more restful in the long run Puro ...most of the holidays we celebrate are over commercialized and more stressful than an actual celebration of anything IMHO ...
Hahaha yeah ...pass the bourbon please ..uhhh...uummm... I meant cranberry sauce ...
The night before everyone and their mom drinks but I'm at the store setting up shop for the big day afterwards.
The day of, I'm too tired from the night before to be able to properly function, then I get to wake up at 1am the day after to be at the store at 3am to shovel all the cheap crap that I lose money on to the masses working a 14 hour day...