Onyx Reserve

I have looked through the forums and have come up empty handed. Anyways, this was one of my first sticks...many many moons ago. I was out of the hobby for nearly 4 years and am now able to get back into it. I remember really enjoying this stick way back, but I've not heard anyone talk of these on the forums here. Also, I've not seen them in a sampler pack or on sale here at CCOM. I've read the reviews on the Onyx Reserve purchase page, but I am curious as to what people here on the forums think of these. I'm interested in purchasing a few (maybe a box) and would like some 'fresh' feedback if possible. Thanks.
Post edited by TheCigarChick on
Wow, how did I miss that? My bad...perhaps we should delete this thread then?
or what temp they like their steak cooked to.
i like em fresh and i like em aged. get a few and try it yourself.
I loved these in my Previous Life as a cigar smoker. Can't seem to find them locally here or when I was in Memphis since I have started back into the life.
When you’re finished changing, you’re finished. —Ben Franklin
^^^He's giving you a run for your money @Yakster. Better tighten up your game!
Or, are we being DZR'd by Yak?
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Not me, all my alternate identities are in my head, not on the forum.
I bought the new release of these about 3 months ago. Not nearly as good as the original back in the 90’s. Still a decent smoke imho.
A good cigar and whiskey solve most problems.